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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Joining and Integration of Advanced and Specialty Materials
Presentation Title Development of Interlayer Technology to Join Advanced and Dissimilar Materials
Author(s) Bryan E. Lara, Rafael Giorjao , Antonio Ramirez
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Bryan E. Lara
Abstract Scope The need for lightweight, fuel efficient vehicles is becoming increasingly common in the automotive industry. The implementation of advanced high strength steels (AHSS) and aluminum alloys to body in white designs promote the ability to use materials with better strength to weight ratios than previous generation materials. Resistance spot welding AHSS to Al brings forth its own set of challenges but the ability to use new techniques can help improve the weldability issues of these joints. This two-part study investigates the use of interlayer technology to improve the weldability and mechanical performance of AHSS-AHSS and AHSS-Al joints. The interlayer deposition, RSW parameters and mechanical performance of these joints will be presented.


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Development of Interlayer Technology to Join Advanced and Dissimilar Materials
Effects of Strength Overmatching on the Assessment of Toughness in Hybrid Laser Arc Welded High Strength Steel
Functionally-graded Interlayers for Enhanced Divertor/Heatsink Bonding
Introductory Comments: Joining and Integration of Advanced and Specialty Materials
Spark Plasma Joining of Ultra-high Temperature Ceramics

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