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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Joining and Integration of Advanced and Specialty Materials
Presentation Title Adhesive Bonding of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers to Dual Phase 980 Steel
Author(s) Yong Chae Lim, Jian Chen, Ngoc Nguyen, Yuan Li, Amit Naskar, Zhili Feng
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Yong Chae Lim
Abstract Scope Joining of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) to advanced high strength steel (AHSS) has a great potential for lightweight multi-materials vehicle applications. Although adhesive bonding is one of common joining processes, there has been a limited understanding of adhesive bonding for metal to CFRP. In the present work, we present adhesive bonding of dual phase (DP) 980 steel to thermoplastic and thermoset CFRP. Surface chemistry and roughness for the selected adherends were characterized by advanced analytical techniques. Structural adhesives with different moduli were employed to study the joining strength of CFRP and DP980 by a single lap shear strength. Furthermore, surface engineering technique was applied on the thermoplastic CFRP to improve bonding strength. Digital image correlation technique was developed to study localized adhesive deformation between adhesive and adherend during lap shear testing.


Adhesive Bonding of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers to Dual Phase 980 Steel
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Introductory Comments: Joining and Integration of Advanced and Specialty Materials
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