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Meeting MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Research Lightning Talks
Presentation Title Perfecting Steel Processing in the 21st Century
Author(s) Alyssa Stubbers, Thomas John Balk
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Alyssa Stubbers
Abstract Scope Continuous casting methods for steel production have remained largely unchanged since their inception in 1858, and many of the problems associated with this method have persisted until present day. University of Kentucky is working with steel companies to understand and characterize these difficulties for application in a new state-of-the-art continuous casting line. Increased casting speeds, casting thicknesses, and modified bending and unbending regions pose new quality and safety concerns related to cracking and breakouts. But how do we understand what exactly is happening to the steel during the casting? A Gleeble 3500 Thermomechanical Simulator provides the ability to answer these questions with in depth casting simulations and hot ductility tests.


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Perfecting Steel Processing in the 21st Century
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