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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advanced Biomaterials for Biomedical Implants
Presentation Title Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Antibacterial Ti-Nb-Cu/Ga Alloys for Load-bearing Implant Applications
Author(s) Mariana Calin, Ludovico Andrea Alberta, Jithin Vishnu, Avinash Hariharan, Stefan Pilz, Annett Gebert
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Mariana Calin
Abstract Scope To address the problems of antimicrobial resistance, considerable research effort was focused on exploring alternative approaches to conventional Ti implants. Recent advancements in the design of antibacterial Ti biomaterials include incorporating non-conventional metal antibacterial agents such as copper (Cu) and gallium (Ga), altering surface properties such as charge, and hydrophobicity by chemical modification, or engineering of the surface topography. Considering that alloying with Ga and Cu on Ti-based alloys may lead to improved properties for bone-related implants, the purpose of this work is to evaluate the effects of these antibacterial elements on the structural characteristics, mechanical and electrochemical behaviour of novel Ti-Nb-Ga/Cu alloys. These alloys combine the low modulus of the beta-single phase microstructure with antibacterial function of Cu and Ga ions, while maintain the others excellent properties of the Ti-alloys, like the high corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. Financial support through the EC (H2020-MSCA BIOREMIA GA 861046) is gratefully acknowledged.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Biomaterials, Titanium, Mechanical Properties


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Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Antibacterial Ti-Nb-Cu/Ga Alloys for Load-bearing Implant Applications
The Stress-corrosion-cracking Resistance of Zinc-based Alloys Designed for Bioresorbable Medical Implants
ZnO-NPs-Coated Implants with Osteogenic Properties for Enhanced Osseointegration

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