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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Bladesmithing 2023
Presentation Title MA Blade Smithing Proposal
Author(s) Juvenal Rodela, Abraham Enchinton, David Kiyoshi Santacruz, Nicole Marie Jimenez
On-Site Speaker (Planned) David Kiyoshi Santacruz
Abstract Scope For the upcoming 2023 blade smithing symposium, the University of Texas at El Paso would like to present a 1085 steel blade. The Materials Advantage (MA) organization will be responsible for the development of the blade, with members, Juvenal Rodela, Nicole Jimenez, David Santacruz, and Abraham Enchinton. The blade MA is planning on doing is a Mambele. This blade originates from South Africa,and reflects African smithing before western colonization. The Mambele has been described as a hybrid of both a knife/axe, consisting of irregularly shaped blades which was used for close combat, specifically to be thrown in a rotary motion. MA plans on forging the blade and analyzing the material using metallography. If there are any further questions, please contact, Juvenal Rodela (915)799-2498
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided
Keywords Characterization, Iron and Steel, Shaping and Forming


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