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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Bladesmithing 2023
Presentation Title Material Characterization of Medieval Dagger
Author(s) Kira Martin, Abby Sreden, Adam Slafsky, Bailey Wooldridge
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Kira Martin
Abstract Scope We will make a pattern welded damascus medieval dagger. A billet will be made by welding together alternating layers of 15N20 and 1080 steel. Groves will then be created along the billet to create a laddered random pattern. The bar will then be forged into the desired shape. Hardness testing and optical microscopy will be used between each heat-treating step to characterize how the hardness and microstructure changes. Further analysis using tensile testing and scanning electron microscopy will possibly be performed. Primary Contact Person: Kira Martin Other Team Members: Abby Sreden, Adam Slafsky, Bailey Wooldridge University Affiliation: University of Illinois
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


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