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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Bladesmithing 2023
Presentation Title Characterization of the Differential Heat Treatment of a Sunnobi Tanto
Author(s) Megan R. Klein
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Megan R. Klein
Abstract Scope The Sunnobi Tanto is a long curved dagger first used as a weapon in Muromachi-era Japan. Inspired by this historical dagger, our blade was forged from W2 steel and processed via differential heat treatment. This traditional method involves the application of clay along the spine of the blade before quenching. Optical and electron microscopy and mechanical testing were performed to characterize the effect of the differential heat treatment on the blade’s microstructure and mechanical properties. A finite-element model was also created to quantify the influence of the clay on cooling rates within different parts of the blade. In this presentation, we explain the microstructural variation that occurs within the blade in terms of the simulated differential cooling rates and link these microstructures to the mechanical properties of each region of the blade.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided
Keywords Iron and Steel, Characterization, Other


Bladesmithing from a Modern Standpoint with Historical Regards
Characterization of the Differential Heat Treatment of a Sunnobi Tanto
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