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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances in Pyrometallurgy: Furnace Containment
Presentation Title Designing Smelting Furnaces to Meet Process Requirements
Author(s) Allan MacRae
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Allan MacRae
Abstract Scope Pyrometallurgical furnaces are not conventional structures that fall directly under a single design code. Engineering companies attempt to apply appropriate safety factors for stresses and temperatures to vessel shells, refractory, and cooling elements. The furnace components must be designed to function together to avoid plastic deformation, erosion, corrosion, and fracture. Thermal cycling, intense heat loads, and required design loads are not typically found in design handbooks or codes. The loads can vary significantly as the refractory lining wears. Historical analysis of vessel performance under similar operating conditions and processes are key for developing design loads and limits for heat, stress, corrosion, and movement. Advancements made in furnace design over the past several decades are highlighted.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Other, Other, Pyrometallurgy


A Modified Rotating Finger Test Aiming to Quantify Refractory Wear Based on Fundamental Equations Governing Refractory Dissolution and Erosion
Characterization of a Nickel Flash Smelter Refractory Material – The Effect of Thermal Gradient
Composite Copper-graphite Cooler for PGM Furnace Sidewall
Considerations for Robust Containment of Operating Furnaces
Corrosion Behavior of MgO-C Refractory in the Electric Arc Furnace that Entirely Uses Direct Reduced Iron as Raw Materials
Corrosion of Alkali Metals on SiC-Si3N4 Refractory of Pusher Kiln
Designing Smelting Furnaces to Meet Process Requirements
Development of Prediction Criteria for Gas Channeling in Blast Furnace
Electric Furnace Integrity Practices and Design Improvements Over 45 Years of Operation - Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations, A Glencore Company
Flexospheres Technology - Improved Flexibility and Corrosion Resistance of Fired Magnesia-chromite Bricks
Freeport-McMoRan Miami - Waste Heat Boiler Availability Improvements
Important Microstructural Features of Refractory Bricks and Their Relation With the Degradation Mechanisms
Improving Maintenance Safety and Campaign Life of Tuyere Lines in Bath Smelting and Converting Using Punchless Tuyeres
Long Long-term Safety Work of 3 # Blast Furnace Hearth
Reflections on the Design of Cooling Systems for Furnace Containment
Slag Optimization with Respect to Steel Quality and Refractory Protection in a Steel Ladle Furnace
Study on Slag Phase Erosion Behavior and Mechanism of Carbon Composite Brick in Hydrogen-rich Blast Furnace Hearth
Sustainability in the Production of Refractory Products - Ensuring an Optimal Circular Economy
The Importance of Understanding Mechanisms in Open-bath (DC) Processes Related to Furnace Containment
The Optimisation of ISASMELT™ Furnace Linings and Cooling Elements to Achieve Low Annualised Costs

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