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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Decarbonization and Sustainability in Aluminum Primary Processing: Joint Session of Aluminum Reduction, Electrode Technology, and REWAS 2025
Sponsorship TMS Extraction and Processing Division
TMS: Recycling and Environmental Technologies Committee
TMS: Aluminum Committee
Organizer(s) Mertol Gokelma, Izmir Institute of Technology
Stephan Broek, Kensington Technology Inc
Les C. Edwards, Rain Carbon Inc.
Andre-Felipe Schneider, Hatch Ltd.
Arild Hakonsen, Hycast As
Scope A joint REWAS-LMD symposium Decarbonization and Sustainability in Aluminium Primary Processing will be organized as a joint session with Aluminum Reduction Technology. This session covers decarbonization efforts across the primary and secondary industries via implementation of alternative, renewable energy sources, and the optimization of fuel consumption.

Recent technologies or policies used for the purpose of reducing CO2 emissions in particular, hydrogen reduction, inert anode smelting and alternative sources of energy for production plants are of interest. Beyond the technologies described, emphasis should be made on the metrics used for the quantification of carbon reduction.

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned: Light Metals

Carbochlorination of Alumina: An Assessment Based on Single Particle Model
Development of the Carbon Footprint of Primary Aluminum Production
Inert Anode Aluminum Cells – Present Status and Future Prospects
On the Alloy Development of Ni - Fe - Cu Inert Anodes for Sustainable, CO2-Free Aluminum Electrolysis
Opportunities to Reduce Calciner CO2 Emissions
Progress of Carbon Capture Efforts in Primary Aluminum Smelting
Research Progress on Inert Anode Materials for Aluminum Electrolysis

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