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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Decarbonization and Sustainability in Aluminum Primary Processing: Joint Session of Aluminum Reduction and REWAS 2025
Presentation Title Carbochlorination of Alumina: An Assessment based on Single Particle Model
Author(s) Parindra Kusriantoko, Kristian Etienne Einarsrud
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Parindra Kusriantoko
Abstract Scope This study examined the carbochlorination kinetics of alumina using carbon monoxide (CO) and chlorine gas (Cl2) via a comprehensive single particle model. The model incorporated the species mass balance for both the gas and solid alumina phases, along with the system's energy balance. Partial differential equations, modeling reactions and transport processes, were solved numerically using the finite difference method. Comparative analyses of structural kinetics models of the Random Pore Model, Volumetric Model, Shrinking Core Model, and Gardner Model were conducted. These models employed first-order power law kinetics and were tested against porous and nonporous alumina to represent the carbochlorination process and obtain intrinsic kinetics. The model was validated by comparing computational results with experimental data from existing literature. The model was able to predict the concentration of gas reactants and products, the alumina consumption rate, and the temperature profile thus describing key features of the carbochlorination process.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Modeling and Simulation, Other, Other


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