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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Engineering Ceramics: Microstructures, Properties, and Applications
Presentation Title Characterizing the Flexural Strength of Nanocrystalline Ceramics and Associated Challenges
Author(s) Heonjune Ryou, Kevin Anderson, John Drazin, James Wollmershauser, Boris Feygelson, Edward Gorzkowski
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Heonjune Ryou
Abstract Scope Emergence of advanced ceramic processing techniques in recent years have led to the development of nanocrystalline ceramics with extremely small grain sizes: below 100 nm. Various literature studies have reported the extent of the mechanical property improvement in nanocrystalline ceramics with extremely small grain sizes, albeit on produced on non-conventional processing equipment with small sample sizes and. In this presentation, various nanocrystalline ceramics with grain sizes below 100 nm were characterized with instrumented indentation, biaxial flexural, and beam flexural tests. The result from instrumented indentation result shows the Hall-Petch strengthening of nanocrystalline ceramics. Flexural strength measurement was influence by the sample processing, geometry, surface roughness, as well as test geometry, yet stilled showed Hall-Petch strengthening. The challenges of performing the tests for nanocrystalline ceramics arise from the nature of nanocrystalline ceramics and current manufacturing techniques.


Characterizing the Flexural Strength of Nanocrystalline Ceramics and Associated Challenges
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Introductory Comments: Engineering Ceramics: Microstructure-Property-Performance Relations and Applications
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