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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Emergent Materials under Extremes and Decisive In Situ Characterizations
Presentation Title High-speed X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging Analysis of Microscale Shock Response of a Mock Additively Manufactured Energetic Material
Author(s) Karla B. Wagner, Amirreza Keyhani, Andrew Boddorff, Gregory Kennedy, Didier Montaigne, Matthew Beason, Brian Jensen, Min Zhou, Naresh Thadhani
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Karla B. Wagner
Abstract Scope X-ray phase contrast imaging (X-PCI) is used to probe the interior and determine the equation of state of a mock additively manufactured energetic material (AMEM) under dynamic loading. AMEMs have structural characteristics and process-inherent heterogeneities at multiple length scales. Many of these features are difficult to control or avoid, so it is important to understand how they affect AMEMs’ dynamic response. To this effect, X-PCI is a technique that grants insight into micro- and meso- scale processes during a shock event. We use X-PCI results to analyze the shock response of a mock AMEM loaded at several impact conditions. By tracking displacement of the shock front and features behind it, we can determine shock and particle velocities. PDV was also used to measure particle velocities, which correlate well with those obtained from X-PCI. The experiments presented were performed at the Dynamic Compression Sector, in collaboration with Los Alamos National Lab.


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High-speed X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging Analysis of Microscale Shock Response of a Mock Additively Manufactured Energetic Material
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