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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Emergent Materials under Extremes and Decisive In Situ Characterizations
Presentation Title Investigations of Materials under Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Using Synchrotron and Complementary Techniques
Author(s) Robert Mayanovic, Diwash Dhakal, Nadib Akram, Jason Baker, Xiaofeng Guo, Hakim Boukhalfa, Artas Migdissov, Cheng-Jun Sun, Hongwu Xu
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Robert Mayanovic
Abstract Scope Recent advances in synchrotron techniques have given rise to unprecedented growth in studies of materials under extreme conditions. The in-situ measurements afforded by these techniques have increased our fundamental understanding of how extremes in pressure (P) and/or temperature (T) affect phase transformations, the nature of the chemical bond, non-equilibrium phase behavior and other properties of materials. The diamond anvil cell has proven to be an indispensable tool for in-situ studies of materials at extreme PT conditions. Several applications of in-situ synchrotron techniques to the study of materials in extreme environments will be discussed. Examples of studies featured include in-situ SAXS and WAXS measurements made on mesoporous metal oxides and in-situ XAS and high-energy x-ray scattering PDF analysis of aluminosilicate melts under extreme hydrothermal conditions. Complementary in-situ XAS and Raman studies of aqueous uranyl-chloride complex formation and speciation, for a range of Cl concentrations, at high PT conditions are also described.


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High-speed X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging Analysis of Microscale Shock Response of a Mock Additively Manufactured Energetic Material
High Pressure & Temperature Investigation into Thorium Orthosilicates
Investigations of Materials under Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Using Synchrotron and Complementary Techniques
Technology Development of In-situ Corrosion Kinetics and Salt Property Measurements

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