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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Aluminum Reduction Technology
Presentation Title Fundamental Mass Transfer Correlations Based on Experimental and Literature Data
Author(s) Jonathan Alarie, Lukas Dion, László I. Kiss, Sébastien Guérard, Jean-François Bilodeau
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jonathan Alarie
Abstract Scope Using a specific description of the heat transfer, and diffusion coefficients, general mass transfer theory is applied to data available in the literature to identify their respective dissolution rate. The following calculations using data from the literature are then compared to experimental work performed under laboratory conditions using a gravimetric method to evaluate the dissolution rate of alumina disks. The contrast between the data from our experimental work and the validation provided by the literature is assumed inherent to the morphology of the sample and the adequate description of the flow around it. The following discussions highlight the dominant factor affecting the mass transfer coefficients and pinpoint the theoretical challenges to overcome to achieve more precise relations for future works.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Aluminum, Electrometallurgy, Powder Materials


Achieving Low Pot Failure Rate at Aditya Aluminium
Application of Cell Retrofit in GP320 Aluminum Reduction Cell Line
CFD Modelling of Solidification and Melting of Bath during Raft Formation
Dissimilar Results in Restarting Two Different Potlines
Evaluation of Methodologies for Assessment of SO3 Concentration in Industrial Off-gas
Experimental Investigation of the Alumina Cloud During Alumina Injections in Low And High Temperature Conditions
Fundamental Mass Transfer Correlations Based on Experimental and Literature Data
Fundamentals of Pot Ventilation in Aluminum Smelters
Mathematical Modelling of the Desulfurization of Electrolysis Cell Gases in a Low Temperature Reactor
Numerical Investigation of the Thermal, Electrical and Mechanical Behaviour of Aluminum Reduction Cell during Preheating Phase
Potential of Production Al-Si Green Alloys in AP18 Aluminium Reduction Cell
Preheat, Start-up and Early Operation of DX+ Ultra Pots at 500 kA
Recent Improvements to a Mathematical Model Replicating the Wave and Stream at the Bath-metal Interface
Restart of Albras’ Potline 2 – Improving Performance and Changing Paradigms
Simplified 3D MHD Model for Quick Evaluation of Aluminium Electrolysis Cell Design
The Expanded Industrial Pilot of SAMI’s NCCT+ Technology
The SY500 Potline Technology Development

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