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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium 12th International Symposium on Green and Sustainable Technologies for Materials Manufacturing and Processing
Presentation Title Development of a Separation Process of NBR/HNBR Rubber from Metal Substrate
Author(s) Sarah Scardelatto, Mariana Martins Nascimento
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Sarah Scardelatto
Abstract Scope The objective of this project consists in the development of a process for separating the rubber NBR/ HNBR from the metal substrate. The methodology will consist in choosing, presentation, separation, identification and classification of the material; performing cryogenic and solubility tests, record the results, quantitative and economic survey, data processing, analysis and discussion of the results and preparation, structuring and presentation of the report and the thesis. The results showed that a bath in polar acetic acid, above room temperature, followed by a wash in a basic pH bath and further drying, generates the expected results, with complete separation of the parts without attack the steel and with little change on the structure of rubbers. With this, the process becomes attractive because, in addition to the considerable decrease in the volume of discarded material, the by-products can be reused in the process itself, with recycling and reuse of materials.


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Introductory Comments: 12th International Symposium on Green and Sustainable Technologies for Materials Manufacturing and Processing
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