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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Materials Processing Fundamentals: Thermodynamics and Rate Phenomena
Presentation Title Effect of Arc Transients on Flow in Vacuum Arc Remelting
Author(s) Caleb Schrad, Matthew Krane
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Caleb Schrad
Abstract Scope Vacuum Arc Remelting (VAR) is used to produce clean, sound, and homogenous ingots of high-performance alloys. During VAR, a consumable electrode is melted in vacuum by a powerful electric arc, which may be highly transient, exhibiting current excursions, unstable distributions, and wandering centers. As the process current passes through the ingot, it induces an electromagnetic body force which interacts with buoyancy to determine the liquid metal flow regime. This transient electromagnetic influence can significantly impact the quality of the final ingot. The purpose of this work is to explore the impact of arc transients on ingot solidification using a transient 3D VAR model implemented in OpenFOAM. This model includes spatial and temporal variations of the arc. The influence of arc transients on flow and solidification behavior and the use of external magnetic fields to alter those liquid flows are studied.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Solidification, Modeling and Simulation,


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D-12: Numerical Simulation of Stirring Coil System for Use in the Steel Refining Ladle
Effect of Arc Transients on Flow in Vacuum Arc Remelting
Effect of Ladle Shroud Blockage on Flow Dynamics and Cleanliness of Steel in Coupled Ladle–Shroud–Tundish System
Experimental and Computational Studies on Solid-State Dewetting of Single Crystal Nickel and Copper Thin Films
Improvement of Co-Ni-Re-Ti Mobility Descriptions in NIST Co-Ni Mobility Database
Modeling Dynamic Burden Behavior in a Secondary Lead Reverberatory Furnace Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Mold Simulator Study of Heat Transfer Behavior of Medium Carbon Steel Slag Film Inside Continuous Casting Mold
Non-Metallic Inclusions in a High Manganese Steel Rail
Novel Approach to Measure the Thermodynamic Property of Tri-Calcium Phosphate Using the Phase Relation in the CaO-SiO2-P2O5 Ternary System
Numerical Modeling of SEN Depth on Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow and Solidification in Thin Slab Continuous Casting Mold
Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Flow in a Single Snorkel Refining Furnace With Dual Injections of Argon Gas for the Degassing Process
Optimization of Rotary Kiln in Molybdenite Concentrate Oxidation for Molybdic Trioxide Production
Predicting Blast Furnace Raceway Dynamics Using Coupled Computational Fluid Dynamics-Discrete Element Method
Role of Entropy and Langevin Friction in Dislocation Glide Mechanisms
SnOx Solubility in CaO-FeOx-Cu2O Slag Under Copper Saturation
Study of Transient Thermo-Fluid Model of Meniscus Behavior in Continuous Casting Mold by Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard Equation
The Oscillating Drop’s Sensitivity to Thermophysical Properties of the Melt and Flow Conditions in Electromagnetic Levitation Experiments
Three Dimensional Effects in the Dendritic Growth Competition of Bi-Crystals

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