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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Computational and Modeling Challenges in Metals and Alloys for Extreme Environments
Presentation Title Modeling of Laser Interactions with BCC Metals Using a Hybrid Atomistic-continuum Approach
Author(s) Ching Chen, Avanish Mishra, Sergey Galitskiy, Avinash M. Dongare
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ching Chen
Abstract Scope The modeling of interaction of metallic materials with lasers requires an accurate description of absorption of the laser energy by electrons, heat generation/transfer and the energy dissipation mechanisms that can result in ablation, spallation, melting and shock compression behavior. Such a capability is available through a hybrid method that combines the dynamics atoms modeling using classical molecular dynamics (MD) with a continuum two-temperature model (TTM) to incorporate the energy absorption by electrons and the heating of the lattice when a metal interacts with a laser. The MD-TTM framework is extended to Ta, Fe and Mo systems wherein the electronic-temperature-dependent electron heat capacities, electron thermal conductivities, and electron-phonon coupling factors are parameterized using first principles simulations. The talk will discuss the framework of the MD-TTM simulations, the parameterization of the TTM and the capabilities to model interaction of femtosecond lasers with microstructures of Ta, Fe and Mo systems will be demonstrated.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Mechanical Properties, Modeling and Simulation, Computational Materials Science & Engineering


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Modeling of Laser Interactions with BCC Metals Using a Hybrid Atomistic-continuum Approach
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