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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Material Behavior Characterization via Multi-Directional Deformation of Sheet Metal
Presentation Title Formability of Textured Anisotropic Uranium Plate
Author(s) Ryan Mier, Daniel Coughlin, Rodney McCabe, Carolus Osborn
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Daniel Coughlin
Abstract Scope Understanding how processing affects mechanical properties of depleted uranium is crucial for final material performance and plays an important role in nuclear energy applications. We have created differences in texture in warm rolled plate through varying rolling direction and deformation at each pass in our schedule. By altering the strain path of the material through different rolling schedules, the final texture and therefore material formability in each direction is also changed. From data gathered via EBSD and by using the plates to do a small scale forming study after rolling, we aim to help understand and inform the way we create material, and control our processing path in order to achieve desired mechanical properties and deformation characteristics.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


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Evolution of Local Formability Concepts for Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS)
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Formability of Textured Anisotropic Uranium Plate
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K-137 (Invited): Understanding Room Temperature Softening Behavior in AA5182
Large-strain Cruciform Testing for Characterization of Macro- and Micro-scale Formability of Sheet Metals
Material Modeling in Biaxial Stress Field and Hole Expansion Simulation of Hot-rolled Steel Sheets
Measuring the Multiaxial Nature of Thermomechanical Constitutive Relationships of Crystalline Materials
Microstructural Response of Stainless Steel Subjected to Biaxial Load Path Changes: In-situ Neutron Diffraction and Multi-scale Modeling
Microstructure Control for Enhanced Multi-step Formability
Modeling Anisotropic Plasticity Under Complex Loading Conditions: Effects of Loading Path Changes on Flow Stress, Springback and Formability of Sheet Metals
Modeling of Hole-expansion of Prestrained Sheets Using Distortional Hardening
Multi-directional Deformation Capabilities in the NIST Center for Automotive Lightweighting (NCAL)
Multiscale Modeling of Self-piercing Riveting Process
Production of Commercially Pure Aluminum Strips via a Single-Step, Machining-based Technique
Strain Localization and Damage in a α+β Titanium Alloy: A Study of Microstructure Heterogeneity and Strain Path Effects

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