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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Atom Probe Tomography for Advanced Characterization of Metals, Minerals and Materials III
Presentation Title Nanoparticle Sample Preparation for Atom Probe Tomography: Chemical Fixation and Cryo-Fixation
Author(s) Leigh T. Stephenson, Se-Ho Kim, Joohyun Lim, Olga Kasian, Pyuck-Pa Choi, Christina Scheu, Dierk Raabe, Baptiste Gault
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Baptiste Gault
Abstract Scope Controlling size, shape, and composition of nanoparticles is required to improve their physical properties. Dopants and impurities distribution may affect lattice strains, electronic band structure and eventually catalytic selectivity and activity of nanoparticles; therefore, three-dimensional sub-nanometer resolution elemental mapping is key. Atom probe tomography (APT) is an enabling characterization tool for mapping the elemental distribution in nanostructured materials due to its unique combination of three-dimensional (3D) capability, sub-nanometer spatial resolution, and ppm-level detection sensitivity. Herein, we discuss the development of specimens preparation techniques for freestanding nanoparticles using chemical fixation and cryo-fixation of TiO2 nanorods, MoS2 nanosheet, and Ag nanoparticle. Both methods developed yield reliable APT data for complex-structural nanoparticles and each fixation advantage and drawback will be discussed.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


A Review of Atom Probe Tomography Technology: The Present and Future
APT-based Stoichiometry Measurements of Single Crystal ThO2
APT for Atomic-scale Insights to the Origins of Materials Properties
Atom Probe Tomography of Refractory High Entropy Alloys
Atom Probe Tomography Study of Fission Products in Neutron Irradiated U-Mo Fuel
Characterization of Mechanical Properties of the A356 Cast Aluminum Alloy in Accordance with the Cluster Formation Behaviors at Different Aging Temperatures
Compositional Dependencies of Ni- and Fe-oxides to Experimental Parameters in Atom Probe Tomography
Coupled APT and TEM Investigation of Cu Assisted Nucleation of L12 Precipitates in FCC-based High Entropy Alloys
Elucidating Solute Clustering and Precipitation of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag-Si Model Alloys
Material Alterations in Intense Mechanical and Chemical Contacts
Morphological Classification of Dense Objects in Atom Probe Tomography Data
Nanoparticle Sample Preparation for Atom Probe Tomography: Chemical Fixation and Cryo-Fixation
Quantifying Compositional Uncertainty Arising from Peak Overlaps
Understanding Early Stages of Nanoscale Hydriding and Oxidation Mechanisms in Metallic Systems via Atom Probe Tomography and Multimodal Chemical Imaging

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