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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Electrical Steels
Sponsorship TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Steels Committee
TMS: Magnetic Materials Committee
Organizer(s) Youliang He, CanmetMATERIALS, Natural Resources Canada
Kester D. Clarke, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jun Cui, Iowa State University
Scope Electrical steels are an essential energy converting material widely used in generators, transformers, electric motors and other electromagnetic devices to confine the magnetic flux and amplify the conversions between electricity and other forms of energy. The efficiency of these devices is largely determined by the magnetic properties of the electrical steel sheets, and has a huge impact on the generation, transmission and use of electrical energy. With the strides towards the decarbonization of the global economy by promoting renewable energies, electrical steels are increasingly gaining momentum in the steel market, especially for the production of electric vehicles in the transportation sector, which is projected to grow significantly in the coming years.

Microstructure and texture control to optimize the magnetic properties is still the focus of electrical steel research. How to economically manufacture high silicon electrical steel sheets using traditional technical routes is another area to be explored. There are also new theories, processing technologies and characterization methods proposed to advance electrical steel development and manufacturing. This symposium provides a venue for researchers, engineers, experts and enterprises from the world to share experiences, exchange ideas and establish collaborations in this field.

The symposium includes but not limited to the following topics:
(1) Relationships among processing, microstructure/texture, and magnetic properties of electrical steels.
(2) Alloy development for high silicon electrical steels with improved formability.
(3) Casting and thermomechanical processing technologies to enable economical production of high silicon electrical steels.
(4) Theories regarding the evolution of texture and microstructure during all the electrical steel manufacturing stages.
(5) Novel characterization methods and tools to evaluate the microstructure, texture and magnetic properties of electrical steels.
(6) Alternative manufacturing methods to produce electrical steel sheets.
(7) Coating and bonding of electrical steel laminates.
(8) The manufacturing and assembling of electrical steel cores.
(9) Effect of manufacturing processes on the energy losses of electrical steel laminates.
(10) Other properties of electrical steels, e.g. chemical, physical, mechanical, electrical, etc.

Abstracts Due 07/17/2022
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A New Approach to Optimise the Microstructure of Non-oriented Electrical Steel Sheets
Constitutive Modelling of High-temperature Flow Behavior of a Non-oriented Electrical Steel with 3.2 wt% Si
Effect of Cold Rolling Reduction Rate and Rare Earth Yttrium on Microstructure and Texture of Oriented Silicon Steel
Effect of Rare Earth Yttrium on Inclusion and Texture of Oriented Silicon Steel
Microstructure and Texture Evolution of High Grade Non-oriented Electrical Steel for New Energy Vehicles during Hot Rolling
Report on Some Recent Progress on the Understanding of the Goss Texture in Fe-3 % Si Grain Oriented Electrical Steels
The Processing and Application of Fe-6.5%Si Ribbons and Flakes
The Role of Temper Rolling and Annealing on the Magnetic Property Improvement of a Low Si Non-oriented Electrical Steel

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