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Meeting 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium REWAS 2022: Sustainable Production and Development Perspectives
Sponsorship TMS Extraction and Processing Division
TMS: Recycling and Environmental Technologies Committee
TMS: Pyrometallurgy Committee
Organizer(s) Mertol Gokelma, Izmir Institute of Technology
Mingming Zhang, Baowu Ouyeel Co. Ltd
Elsa Olivetti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gerardo Alvear, Glencore Technology
Camille Fleuriault, Eramet Norway
Kaka Ma, Colorado State University
Scope In a context of deep economic and societal changes, new bridges have appeared between scientific fields. Sustainable Production and Development in the metals and materials community is a global approach to maintain a balance between economic, environmental, and societal matters while meeting an ever increasing, worldwide demand. Key concepts explored at REWAS 2022 will include fostering multidisciplinary collaboration, combining sociology, economics, engineering, and natural sciences for the realization of Sustainable Development Goals.

In particular, this symposium will cover:

- Recyclable product design, Manufacturing for dissasembly
- Establishing and nurturing responsible Supply Chains
- Environmental and economical governmental policies and strategies applicable to the metallurgical industry
- Education and promotion of global Circular Economy perspectives
- Available tools and strategies for rigorous assessment of Sustainable Development Goals

This symposium will host the Plenary Session of REWAS 2022.

Abstracts Due 07/19/2021
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A Review of Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Slag of China
Brass Jewelry: A Sustainability Assessment
Chemical Hazard Assessment of Electrolyte Compounds for Lithium-ion Batteries
Economics-informed Material System Modeling of the Copper Supply Chain
Environmental Benefits of Closing the Solar Manufacturing and Recycling Loop
From Aluminium Industry Waste to Soil Amendment for Cash Crops and Fertiliser for Lowbush Blueberry
Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Repair through Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing
Lithium Ion and Flow Batteries for Energy Storage: A Chemical Hazard Assessment
Process Simulation and Digitization for Integrated Circularity and Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Silicon, Perovskite and Tandem Photovoltaic Systems
The REMADE Institute: R&D to Accelerate the Transition to a Circular Economy
The UK Transforming the Foundation Industries Research and Innovation Hub (TransFIRe)
Validation of an Innovative On-line Legionella Detection Technology in Water-cooling Systems

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