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Meeting 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium REWAS 2022: Sustainable Production and Development Perspectives
Presentation Title Validation of an Innovative On-line Legionella Detection Technology in Water-cooling Systems
Author(s) Marie-Christine Simard, Geneviève Doyer
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Marie-Christine Simard
Abstract Scope Legionella spp is a family of pathogenic bacteria that is responsible for Legionellosis. In Europe, Australia and the USA there are about 10–15 cases detected per million population per year. The transmission is observed by inhalation of contaminated bioaerosols. Water cooling systems are high risk because the conditions are optimal for the Legionella development and they are proned to generate aerosols. Legionella in water cooling systems could have ESG and production impacts. The method currently used to quantify Legionella in water systems requires approximately 14 days to receive the analysis report, which results in action delays and increases the risk of outbreaks. BioAlert technology is a technology unique in the world which allows to measure Legionella directly on site and to receive the result automatically in 4 hours. Rio Tinto Aluminum was the first industry to demonstrate the technology's feasibility in a heavy industry cooling water process.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Aluminum, Sustainability, Other


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Validation of an Innovative On-line Legionella Detection Technology in Water-cooling Systems

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