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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Society for Biomaterials: Biological Response to Materials and Material’s Response to Biological Environments
Organizer(s) Thomas Dziubla, University of Kentucky
Christopher Siedlecki, Penn State College of Medicine
Jeffrey Capadona, Case Western Reserve University
Lynne C. Jones, Johns Hopkins Orthopaedics
Scope The key defining features of a successful biomaterial are favorable interactions with the host body or tissue with which it comes into contact while also retaining the ability to perform a function as a therapy or part of a medical device. A favorable interaction, aka biocompatible, has been classically defined as one that is inert. However, the implantation of any medical device into the body will elicit a response. The goal of the biomaterials community is to learn how to facilitate that response to mitigate deleterious interaction, promote integration into the host tissue when appropriate, and facilitate device performance. The longevity and severity of that response are dictated by both biotic and abiotic factors. For decades, biomaterialists have studied the effects of the implantation procedures, the composition and design of the device, the duration of implantation, the location of the implanted device, and the intended application of the implanted materials and devices. It has become increasingly more clear that the response is not just an initial interaction, but a long term dynamic and self-perpetuating communication between the host tissue and implant material. In this symposium, the Society for Biomaterials will collectively present our current understanding of the “Biological Response to Materials and Material’s Response to Biological Environments.” Particular emphasis will be placed on the development of novel materials that facilitate the biotic and abiotic interactions, on cutting edge techniques to gain new perspectives on these mechanisms, and on how the dynamic response facilitates device performance.
Abstracts Due 06/15/2022

Antibacterial Activity of Titanium-based Material Systems
Architected Biomaterials for Multifunctional Medical Implants
Biodegradable Magnesium-based Bone Fixation Implants: Alloy Design, Post-fabrication Processes, and Biocompatibility
Biological Response to Medical Implants: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Biomaterial-induced Activation of the Blood Coagulation Cascade
Bone Formation via Acoustic Radiation Force: Transdermal Stimulation of Hydrogel-encapsulated Stem Cells
C-6: Cell-scaffold Interactions in Bijels-derived Porous Membranes
C-7: Modeling a Portable Ventilator Design for Optimal Performance
C-8: Osteoblast Cell Interaction with Iron-deposited Titanium for Orthopedic Applications
Effects of Debindering Temperature of Carbonate Apatite Honeycomb on Osteoconductivity
Effects of Phospholipid Saturation and Cholesterol Concentration on Liposome Interaction with Fungal and Mammalian Cells
Modeling the Reliability and Proof Testing of Bioceramics
Nanoceria as an Enzyme Mimic ( NEM).
Scalable Green Electrospinning of an Environmentally Safe Nanofibrous Fish Skin Gelatin Material for a Sustainable Tissue Replacement Bank
Silicone-aided Advanced Additive Manufacturing of Glass and Glass-ceramic Scaffolds
Targeting Cancer-associated Fibroblasts within a Tumor Microenvironment via Liposomes with Arginine-based Surface Modifiers
Wear Particle-induced Differentially Polarized Macrophages Exhibit Variation in Protein Profile than M1 and M2

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