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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Materials Design and Alloy Development III -- Super Materials and Extreme Environments
Sponsorship TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division
TMS: Additive Manufacturing Committee
Organizer(s) Behrang Poorganji, Morf3d
Hunter Martin, HRL Laboratories LLC
James Edward Saal, Citrine Informatics
Orlando Rios, University of Tennessee
Atieh Moridi, Cornell University
Jiadong Gong, Questek Innovations LLC
Scope Additive manufacturing offers a new paradigm in part design for complex architectures however the availability of additive capable existing or new materials is minimal. The need for materials and alloys designed specifically for additive technology is increasing rapidly, particularly in extreme environments. Successful operating in extreme environments requires carefully selected materials and component designs. Conventional alloys are designed based on constraints of conventional materials processing and manufacturing technologies such as casting, forging and hot rolling or sheet metal forming. The unique solidification conditions during these processes have made expanding current conventional alloys to Additive Manufacturing difficult and made the introduction of new designed materials a technology challenge. What is more, the intrinsic properties of AM (i.e., rapid solidification, melt pool dynamic, cyclic heat treatment) can be exploited to design novel materials. Integrating materials, design, and manufacturing innovation is a new frontier that requires critical attention to harness the full potential of AM technology.

The goal of this symposium is to highlight research in novel alloys and application driven material design with a focus on how a fundamental understanding of the thermodynamic and kinetic boundary conditions, as well as using ICME approaches, machine learning, and artificial intelligence enable introducing new alloy systems for additive manufacturing. The technical challenges to be addressed in materials design for additive manufacturing for super materials and extreme environments includes but not limited to secondary deleterious phase formation, porosity and vaporization, melt-pool stability, etc. Technical sessions will emphasize the following categories:

  • Super/Hypersonic Environments
  • Super Materials
  • Ultra-High Temperature (>1400C)
  • Extreme Oxidative or Corrosive Atmospheres
  • High Flux Operation
  • Extreme Temperature Swings (>500C delta) (e.g. orbital and space applications)
  • Ultra Low Temperature (e.g. Liquid Helium or Hydrogen)
  • Elevated Temperature Light Alloys (Aluminum & Magnesium)
  • Materials-Design Integration for Superior Performance (e.g. Heat Exchangers, Meta Materials, Auxetic Materials)

Both experimental and modelling submissions are encouraged, especially in which modelling, or theory is applied and validated experimentally. Materials systems of interests are including but not limited to structural materials, different types of Steels, Aluminum, Titanium, Copper, Refractory Alloys, High Entropy alloys, and Bulk Metallic Glasses. Functional materials will also be considered.
Abstracts Due 07/20/2020
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A Comparison between In-situ and Ex-situ Mixing of Nanoparticles with a Matrix in Additive Manufacturing of Metal Matrix Composite
A Novel Heat Treatment Design to Overcome Inferior Creep Behaviour of SLM Processed IN738LC Alloy
Ability of Creation of Aluminium Alloys with High Heat Conductivity Suitable for 3D Printing
Additive Manufacturing and Characterization of High-density Materials for Aerospace Applications
Al-Cu-Zn-Mg Alloy for Additive Manufacturing by Electron Beam Deposition
AM Enabled Super Materials for Extreme Environments Applications
Application of Taguchi, Response Surface, and Artificial Neural Networks for Rapid Optimization of Laser-based Powder-Bed Fusion Process
Architectured Interpenetrating Structures with Tailorable Energy Absorption in Tension
Bulk Single Crystals in Cubic Systems Produced via Electron Beam Melting Additive Manufacturing
Catalytic Inhibition of Metal Dusting by Cu – The Difference of Cast and AM Alloys
Comprehensive Study on Creep Performance of Selective Laser Melted Inconel 718 through Post Heat Treatment and Microstructure-based Modelling
Computational Design and Additive Manufacturing-Enabled Fabrication of Functionally Graded Steel-to-Tungsten Joints for Fusion Energy Applications
Correlating Data from Digital and Virtual Twins of Component Manufacturing via DED
Design and Additive Manufacturing of Hastelloy C22 for Corrosive Environment
Design and Development of Multi-Microlattice Structures for Improved Mechanical Behavior
Design of Novel Fe-based Bulk Metallic Glasses Enabled by Additive Manufacturing
Development of a Rapid Alloy Selection Tool for Rapid Solidification Processing Conditions
Development of High Strength and/or Corrosion-resistant Al Alloys with High Printability
Development of Multi-principle Element Alloys for Oxidation Resistant Coatings Applied with Additive Manufacturing
Exploring the Structure-property Relationships of the Compositionally Graded WxCoCrFeMnNi High-entropy Alloy
High Strength WE43 Microlattices Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Influence of Heat Treatments on the Dynamic Behavior of an Additively Manufactured IN718 Alloy
Introductory Comments: Additive Manufacturing: Materials Design and Alloy Development III -- Super Materials and Extreme Environments
Laser Powder-bed Fusion Austenitic Steels with Superior Creep Resistance
Material Development Using RF Plasma
Mechanical Performance of Additively Manufactured Metallic Tetrahedral Microlattice Structure
Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Additively Manufactured Al-Fe-V-Si
Microstructure Evolution of Metallic Alloys under Additive Manufacturing Conditions
Process Development for the Selective Laser Melting of Tungsten Carbide-nickel Matrix Composites
Rapid Exploration of Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloys via Additive Manufacturing and Molecular Dynamics
Reactive Selective Laser Synthesis and Additive Manufacturing of Ultra-high Temperature Ceramics
Solidification Condition and Its Effects on Microstructure in Metal-power Bed Fusion Processes
Structure-property Relationships of Additively Manufactured Ni-Nb Binary Alloys
Synchrotron Imaging of the Influence of Oxidation with Powder Age on Cracking Phenomena during Laser Powder Bed Fusion of CM247
The Mechanisms Behind the Effect of Oxygen on DED AM Ti Alloy Build
Understanding the Corrosion Mechanism of an Equimolar AlCoCrFeNi High-entropy Alloy Additively Manufactured by Electron Beam Melting

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