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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Data Science and Analytics for Materials Imaging and Quantification
Presentation Title Convolutional neural network-assisted recognition of nanoscale L12 ordered structures in face-centred cubic alloys
Author(s) Yue Li, Leigh Stephenson, Raabe Dierk, Baptiste Gault
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Yue Li
Abstract Scope Nano-size L12-type ordered structures are commonly used in FCC-based alloys to improve mechanical properties. They are often coherent with matrix, which makes them challenging to be characterized. Spatial distribution maps (SDMs) are used to probe local order by interrogating three-dimensional (3D) distribution of atoms within reconstructed atom probe tomography (APT) data. However, it is inefficient to manually analyse a large APT data and make crystal structure recognitions. Here, we introduce an intelligent L12-ordered structure recognition method based on convolutional neural network (CNN). The SDMs of simulated L12-ordered structure and FCC matrix were generated as training and validation datasets. These simulated images were used to train a CNN-based L12-ordered structure recognition model. Finally, the approach was tested on of L12–type δ'–Al3(LiMg) particles with an average radius of 3nm in an FCC-based Al-Li-Mg system. The minimum radius of detectable nanodomain is even down to 0.5nm. The proposed method is promising to be extended to other ordered structures in future.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Machine Learning, Characterization, Other


Advancements in EBSD Using Machine Learning
Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Microstructural Characterization and Analysis
Convolutional neural network-assisted recognition of nanoscale L12 ordered structures in face-centred cubic alloys
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Microstructure Image Segmentation with Deep Learning: from Supervised to Unsupervised Methods
Quantitative EBSD Image Analysis and Prediction via Deep Learning
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Understanding Powder Morphology and Its Effect on Flowability Through Machine Learning in Additive Manufacturing
Understanding the Keyhole Dynamics in Laser Processing Using Time-resolved X-ray Imaging Coupled With Computer Vision and Data Analytics

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