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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Data Science and Analytics for Materials Imaging and Quantification
Presentation Title Materials Characterization in 3D Using High Energy X-ray Diffraction Microscopy: Irradiated and Deformed Materials
Author(s) Hemant Sharma, Peter Kenesei, Jun-Sang Park, Zhengchun Liu, Jon Almer
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Hemant Sharma
Abstract Scope This talk will focus on recent developments in the High Energy Diffraction Microscopy (HEDM) technique for studying irradiated and deformed materials. Highlighting the various challenges in both experimentation and data analysis, we will discuss development of novel experimental techniques at the Advanced Photon Source and advanced data analysis techniques leveraging machine learning capabilities. Deep-Learning reinforced data analysis enables real-time reconstructions of highly complex microstructures. Furthermore, we will demonstrate a new data archival format which enables users to directly correlate diffraction information at the sub-grain level with grain-resolved properties.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Characterization, Machine Learning,


Advancements in EBSD Using Machine Learning
Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Microstructural Characterization and Analysis
Convolutional neural network-assisted recognition of nanoscale L12 ordered structures in face-centred cubic alloys
Deep Neural Network Facilitated Complex Imaging of Phase Domains
Dictionary Indexing of EBSD Patterns Assisted by Convolutional Neural Network
High Dimensional Analysis of Abnormal Grain Growth under Dynamic Annealing Conditions
Improved EBSD Indexing through Non-Local Pattern Averaging
Materials Characterization in 3D Using High Energy X-ray Diffraction Microscopy: Irradiated and Deformed Materials
Microstructure Image Segmentation with Deep Learning: from Supervised to Unsupervised Methods
Quantitative EBSD Image Analysis and Prediction via Deep Learning
Quantitative X-ray Fluorescence Nanotomography
Resolving Pseudosymmetry in Tetragonal ZrO2 Using EBSD with a Modified Dictionary Indexing Approach
Understanding Powder Morphology and Its Effect on Flowability Through Machine Learning in Additive Manufacturing
Understanding the Keyhole Dynamics in Laser Processing Using Time-resolved X-ray Imaging Coupled With Computer Vision and Data Analytics

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