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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Quantifying Microstructure Heterogeneity for Qualification of Additively Manufactured Materials
Presentation Title Additive Manufacturing Beyond the Gaussian Beam: Insights from Microstructure-based Modeling Studies
Author(s) Daniel Moore, Theron Rodgers, Sergio Turteltaub, Daniel Moser, Heather Murdoch, Fadi Abdeljawadf
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Daniel Moore
Abstract Scope In laser-powder-bed-fusion additive manufacturing (LPBF AM), Gaussian laser beams are typically used as the energy input source. Recent experimental studies revealed that the use of laser beam shapes could expand the AM processing windows and result in desired microstructures. However, the role of laser beam shapes in the evolution of AM microstructures is not well understood. Leveraging a recently developed model coupling thermal transport and microstructural evolution during LPBF, we examine the impact of Ring and Bessel-like laser beams on the spatial distribution of temperature fields and the evolution of grain microstructures. Computational studies reveal that such beams expand processing windows to power and speed combinations not commonly used with Gaussian beams. To expound on the differences between the different beam types, we employ multiscale modeling techniques to describe the mechanical responses of representative microstructures. The results demonstrate enhanced control of process-structure linkages by considering beam shapes in AM.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Modeling and Simulation, Mechanical Properties


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Additive Manufacturing Beyond the Gaussian Beam: Insights from Microstructure-based Modeling Studies
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Effects of Processing Conditions and Build Geometry on Microstructure Development in Laser Powder Bed Fusion and Wire Arc Additively Manufactured 316L
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Large-scale Image Analysis of Melt Pools in Complex Additively Manufactured Artifacts
Location Specific Characterization of Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel to Inform Build Data Analytics
Long-term Process Stability in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Microstructural and Mechanical Validation of Thin-walled Additively Manufactured Inconel 625
Microstructure and Mechanical Property Variations in Commercially Produced Laser Powder Bed Fusion 316L Stainless Steel
Microstructure Evolution According to Heat Treatment Design of Alloy 625 Produced by Selective Laser Melting
NASA’s Approach on the Evaluations of “Material Engineering Equivalence” Methodology in Achieving and Sustaining Efficient Qualification and Certification of AM Materials and Parts
Opportunities & Challenges with Laser Powder Bed Fusion for Automotive Applications: Steel and Aluminum Alloys
Optimizing Creep Performance of Haynes 282 Printed via Laser Powder Bed Fusion through Microstructure Control
Predicting Crystallographic Texture in Laser Powder Bed Fusion via a Machine Learning Approach
Quantification of Microstructural Heterogeneities in Additively Manufactured and Heat-Treated Haynes 282
Quantitative Analysis of Computed Tomography Characterization of Porosity in AM Ti64 Using Serial Sectioning Ground Truth
Quantitative Analysis of Low Concentration Elements at the Nanoscale in Additively Manufactured Alloys
Strategizing with Hot Isostatic Pressing Treatments to Increase Productivity during Post-processing of Laser-melted Inconel 718 Parts
Strong Impact of Minor Elements on the Microstructural Evolution of an Additively Manufactured Inconel 625 Alloy
Synchrotron-based X-ray Microtomography Characterization of Solidification Cracks in Additively Manufactured IN738LC Alloy
The Impact of Volumetric Energy Density on Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured 718 Ni Alloy
Towards Validation of Thermo-mechanical Finite Element Modeling of the Additive Manufacturing Solidification Process
Use of Profilometry-based Indentation Plastometry (PIP) to Study Inhomogeneities in Additively Manufactured Components
X-ray Diffraction Peak Estimation Using In-Situ Melt-pool Sensors

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