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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium High Entropy Alloys VIII
Presentation Title J-127: Solute and Self-diffusion in HCP High Entropy Alloys
Author(s) Sandipan Sen, Mayur Vaidya, Xi Zhang, Lukasz Rogal, Blazej Grabowski, Gerhard Wilde, Sergiy Divinski
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Sandipan Sen
Abstract Scope For the first time, diffusion in HCP HEAs is investigated using tracer technique. Solute diffusion (Co) and self-diffusion (Ti) are studied in HfZr, HfZrTi, Al5Hf25Sc20Ti25Zr25 and Al15Hf25Sc10Ti25Zr25 alloys in the temperature range of 400°C-1100 ⁰C. The impact of increasing number of elements and of Al-content in quinary alloys on the diffusion behavior is examined. The alloys were prepared from 99.99% purity elements in an arc-melting furnace with a water-cooled copper plate under a protective Ar atmosphere. X-ray diffraction confirms the presence of a single-phase HCP structure. Ultra-fast diffusion of Co is highlighted for these alloys, similar to observations for α-Zr. Both solute(Co) and self(Zr) diffusion rates decrease with increasing of number of elements, when compared on the homologous temperature scale. The experimental findings are explained by utilizing density-functional-theory-based calculations.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume; Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


Ab Initio Phase Stabilities of High Entropy and Chemically Complex Alloys
Atomistic Modeling of the Structures of High Entropy Alloy Nanoparticles from Carbothermal Shock Synthesis
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations and Deformation in FCC Ni-based Binary Concentrated Alloys
Atomistic Simulations of the fcc-to-hcp Phase Transformation in the Equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi Alloy under High Compression
Characteristics of Edge Dislocations and their Glide in FCC NiCoFe and NiCoFeCu Equiatomic Solid Solution Alloys
Combinatorial Exploration of High Entropy Alloys
Comparison of High-throughput Experimental Results with Thermodynamic Calculations for more than 2000 HEAs
Compositional Design and Deformation Behavior in Ni-based Concentrated/HEA Alloys
Concurrent TWIP-TRIP, Short-range Order and Strain Localization in Single-crystal NiCrCo Medium Entropy Alloy Drives Exceptional Mechanical Behavior
Connecting Chemical and Structural Order in High Entropy Alloys
Corrosion, Wear, and Surface Degradation Behavior of High Entropy Alloys
Data-driven Design of High-entropy Alloys
Decoding Early Candidacy of High Entropy Alloys for Nuclear Application using the Advanced Test Reactor through Predictive Methods
Deformation-induced Crystalline to Amorphous Phase Transformation in High-entropy Alloys
Density Functional Theory Calculations of Generalized Stacking Fault Energies in Equal-molar MoNbTi Multi-principal Element Alloys
Design of HEAs Strengthened by L12 Precipitates using High Throughput Thermodynamic Calculations
Design of High-strength and Ductile High-entropy Steels
Designing Ductile Refractory High-entropy Alloys Guided by Natural Mixing
Development and Application of Phase-based Data Repository via CALPHAD Method in the HEA Discovery
Development of CuFeMnNi-based High Entropy Alloys Using CALPHAD Approach and Thermomechanical Processing
Dislocation Dynamics in a BCC Refractory Multi-Principal Element Alloy MoNbTi
Dynamic Behavior of CrMnFeCoNi High-entropy Alloy
Effect of Solute-solute Interactions on Yield Strength in HEAs
Electronic Descriptors for Designs of Chemically Complex Transition-metal Alloys
Electroplating Nanocrystalline Medium and High-entropy Alloys
Emerging Computational Tools for Exploring the Refractory Compositionally Complex Alloys
Exceptional Strength-ductility Combination in an FCC Based High Entropy Alloy
First-principles Methods of Calculating Stacking Fault Energies in Refractory BCC High-entropy Alloys
Formability Enhancement of High-entropy Alloy by Manipulation of Stacking Fault Energy
High-Entropy Ceramics: Selected Recent Studies and Future Opportunities
High-throughput Experiments for Structural Materials – A Current Status
High Entropy Alloy Effect on Stability of Potential Permanent Magnets
High Entropy Alloy Nanomaterials as Filler Materials for Brazing Ni-based Superalloys
High Entropy Alloys for Magnetocaloric Effect Applications
High Temperature Phase Stability and Mechanical Behavior of Face-centered Cubic High Entropy Alloys
How High are the Entropies of High Entropy Alloys?
In Situ Atom Probe Tomography of Oxidation Mechanism in High Entropy Alloys
Integrating Theory and Experiment in the Design of Multiprincipal Element Alloys
Interpreting APT Data Containing He-bubbles in Irradiated Single-phase Concentrated Solid-solution Alloys (SP-CSAs)
J-102: In-situ Neutron Diffraction Study on Stress-induced Phase Transformation in TiZrHfNbx Refractory High-entropy Alloys
J-103: Investigating BCC Refractory Multi-principal Element Alloys by Heaviside Digital Image Correlation
J-104: Mechanical and Biocompatibility Evaluation of MoxNbTaxTiZr High and Medium Entropy Alloys for Biomedical Implants
J-105: Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behavior of NiTi-Based Low-, Medium- and High-Entropy Intermetallic Compounds at Different Temperatures
J-106: Mechanical Properties and Discrete Slip Events in Conventional Alloys and High-entropy Alloys at Different Temperatures
J-107: Mechanical Properties and Thermal Stability of Single-Target Deposited Ta-Ti-Zr-Based Quinary High-entropy Alloy and Nitride Coatings
J-109: Microstructure and Magnetic Behavior of FeCoNi(Mn–Si)x (x=0.5,0.75,1.0) High-entropy Alloys
J-110: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of an Equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloys Fabricated by Gas Atomization
J-111: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Non-equiatomic Fe-Mn-Ni-Cr-Co-Al-Ti Septenary High Entropy Alloy
J-112: Microstructure and Tribological Behavior of Non-equiatomic Ti-Zr-Cr-Al-Si-V and Ti-Zr-Cr-Al-Si-V-Nb Refractory High Entropy Alloys
J-113: Microstructure Characterization of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy Synthesized by Cryo-milling and Spark Plasma Sintering
J-115: New Approaches for Exploration of Refractory Multi-principal Element Alloys
J-116: On the Phase Transformation and Dynamic Stress-strain Partitioning of Ferrous Medium-entropy Alloy Using Integrated Analysis
J-117: Overcoming Strength-ductility Trade-off in Additively Manufactured 1%C-CoCrFeMnNi High-entropy Alloy Induced by Hierarchically Heterogeneous Microstructure
J-118: Oxidation Behavior of Al4Co3Cr25Cu10Fe25Ni33 at High Temperature
J-119: Partitioning Behavior Based Design of BCC / B2 Dual-phase Refractory Multi-principal Element Alloys
J-120: Phase Field Dislocation Dynamics Modeling of Refractory High Entropy Alloys
J-121: Phase Stability and Defect Properties of fcc FeCrMnNi HEAs
J-122: Phase Stability and Microstructural Evolution in Refractory High Entropy Superalloy
J-124: Physical Origin of Mechanical Behavior of NbTaTiV(Zr) High Entropy Alloy from First-principles Simulations
J-126: Significance of Grain Refinement in HfNbTiZr and CoCrFeNi High-entropy Alloys
J-127: Solute and Self-diffusion in HCP High Entropy Alloys
J-128: Stress Corrosion Cracking Mechanism of FCC Type High-entropy Alloys Structural Materials under High Temperature Pressurized Water Environment by Molecular Dynamics Simulation
J-129: Structural Evolution and Thermal Stability of Nanocrystalline High Entropy Alloy through Cryomilling
J-130: Synthesis and Phase Stability of High-entropy Nitrides and Carbonitrides
J-131: Temperature Dependence of Structural and Magnetic Properties of Single-crystal CoCrFeNiMn-based Alloys
J-132: The Development of High Performance Hybrid High Entropy Alloys(HEAs)
J-133: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Phase Structure and Mechanical Property Dependence on Composition in Nb-Ti-V-Zr Multi-principal Element Alloys
J-135: Wire +Arc Additive Manufacturing of AlCoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy
J-15 (Digital): Atomistic Modeling of Dislocations in a Random High-entropy Alloy
J-16 (Invited): Stability of the Stress-induced Phase in a TiZrHfNb0.3 Refractory High-entropy Alloy
J-17: A Rapid Simulation Method of Single Phase High-entropy Alloys via CALPHAD-based High-throughput Calculation
J-18: Ab Initio Modeling of Peierls Potential of Screw Dislocations in bcc High-entropy Alloys
J-19: An Investigation into the Link Between Microstructure and Pitting Corrosion of Novel Alloy FBB8+Ti
J-20: Anisotropic Lattice Distortion Induced by Hydrogen in CoCrFeMnNi High-entropy Alloy
J-21: Antiphase Boundaries in the B2 Matrix of the Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni High Entropy Alloy
J-22: Atomic Scale Modeling of Hydrogen Accommodation and Transport in BCC Refractory High Entropy Alloys
J-26: Corrosion Behavior of Selected High Entropy Alloys
J-29: Deformation Mechanisms of Two Stable Face Centered Cubic High Entropy Alloys at Cryogenic Temperature
J-30: Design of Non-equiatomic Refractory High Entropy Alloys through Combination of Various Strengthening Mechanisms Towards Strength-ductility Synergy
J-31: Designing New Corrosion Resistant High Entropy Alloys with Exceptional Strength-ductility Synergy and Good Weldability
J-32: Direct Production of High Entropy Alloy Powders
J-34: Effect of Al on Microstructure, Hardness, and Corrosion Performance of Al-Cr-Fe-Mn Alloys
J-35: Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AlCrFeNiCu High Entropy Alloy
J-36: Effect of Mn in CrCoFeNiMn High Entropy Alloy on Creep Performance
J-38: Engineering Atomic-level Complexity in Complex Concentrated Alloys
J-39: Enhanced Irradiation Resistance Through Phase Transformation in NiFeCoCrCu HEA Film
J-40: Evaluation of Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of AlxCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloys
J-41: Evolution of Texture during Thermo-mechanical Processing of High Entropy Alloy (HEA)
J-43: Friction Stir Processing: A Microstructural Modification Technique for Complex Concentrated Alloys
J-44: Grain Size Dependent Entropy-driven Phase Transformation in High Entropy Oxides
J-45: Impact of Interstitial Alloying on Stacking-fault Energies in High-entropy Alloys from First Principles
J-46: Interdiffusion, Solubility Limit and Role of Enthalpy and Entropy in Senary FCC Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni-Mn High Entropy Alloy
J-47: Internal Oxidation of Refractory MoWTaTiZr HEA Using Periodic DFT and Atomistic Thermodynamic Modeling
J-48: Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior and Cyclic Plastic Response of Equiatomic CrCoNi Medium-entropy Alloy with Partially and Fully Recrystallized Microstructures
J-49: Mechanical Properties and Tribocorrosion Behaviors of TiNbTaZr-based High-entropy Alloys for Biomedical Applications
J-50: Mechanical Properties of CoCrFeMnNiMox High Entropy Alloy Films
J-51: Micro- and Mesoscale Mechanical Properties of a FeCrMnNi High Entropy Alloy Subject to Large Strain Extrusion Machining
J-53: Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Behavior of Nitrogen Interstitial CoCrFeMnNi High-entropy Alloys
J-55: Origin of High Cr Cation Fractions in Passive Oxide of Ni38Fe20CrxMn21-0.5xCo21-0.5x High Entropy Alloys
J-56: Passivation Phenomena in Highly Corrosion Resistant High Entropy Alloys: An Evaluation of the Role of Chromium Content
J-57: Phase Inversion in Refractory High Entropy Alloys
J-58: Phase Stability of B2-ordered High Entropy Alloy
J-60: Second-phase of 29Fe15Al18Cr27Ni High Entropy Alloy
J-61: Size Effects and the Hall-Petch Relationship in the Mn17Fe22Co24Ni24Cu13 System
J-62: Static and Dynamic Mechanical Performance of Non-equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi HEA
J-63: Strengthening of Transformation-induced Plasticity-assisted High Entropy Alloy via Interstitial Nitrogen
J-64: Synthesis of High Entropy Metal Carbides by a Solvothermal Process
J-65: Tailoring Multi-principal Element (MPE) Alloy Compositions based on Competing Deformation Mechanisms
J-67: The Prediction of Enthalpy and Elastic Properties of Fe-Cr-Co-Ni High Entropy Alloys by Using First Principles Methods
J-68: Thermal Expansion of Refractory MoWTaTiZr High Entropy Alloy
J-70: Ultrastrong VCoNi Medium-entropy Alloy Enabled by Severe Lattice Distortion
J-72: A Machine Learning Model for Alloy Design
J-73: A Strategy for Designing Heterogeneous Medium-entropy Alloys with Excellent Tensile Properties
J-74: Ab Initio Modeling of Large Defects in γ, γ', and γ" Superalloys
J-75: Analysis of Irradiation Resistance of Tungsten-based Reduced Activation Alloy for Fusion Plasma Applications
J-76: Analysis of Strengthening due to Grain Boundaries and Annealing Twin Boundaries in the CrCoNi Medium-entropy Alloy
J-77: Atom Probe Tomography Study of a Fe25Ni25Co25Ti15Al10 High-entropy Alloy
J-78: Atomic Diffusion in Melts of Refractory HEAs
J-79: CALPHAD Aided Design of MoNbTiZr-based High Entropy Alloys
J-80: Composition Design of Coherent Precipitate-strengthening AlCuFeNiTi Multi-principal Element Alloys by High-throughput CALPHAD-type Calculation
J-81: Compositional Effects of Stacking Fault Energies in Ni-based FCC Concentrated Alloys
J-82: Deformation Behavior of the Al0.3CoCrFeNi High-entropy Alloy during Low-cycle Fatigue by In-situ Neutron Diffraction
J-83: Deformation-induced Short-range Ordering and Its Impact on Cryogenic Deformation in Boron-doped High-Entropy Alloys
J-84: Determination of Young’s Modulus and Phase Prediction using Classical Molecular Dynamics in Refractory HEAs
J-85: Developing Non-equiatomic Refractory BCC HEAs with Improved Mechanical Properties Using Combinatorial Screening
J-86: Development of Metastable Nanolaminate High Entropy Alloy Overcoming Strength-ductility Trade-off
J-87: Development of TiVNbTaW High Entropy Alloy with TRIPLEX Nanostructure
J-88: Ductility of Quaternary Refractory Medium Entropy Alloys with Body-centered Cubic Structure
J-89: Effect of Sputtering Parameters on Structure and Mechanical Properties of TiZrHfNiCuCo High Entropy Alloy Films
J-90: Enhanced Mechanical Properties by Nitrogen Addition in N-CoCrNi and N-CoCrFeMnNi Compositionally Complex Alloy
J-91: Fabriacte and Mechanical Properties of Non-equiatomic High Entropally Reinforced 6082 al Matrix Nanocomposite
J-92: Fabrication and Hardness Behavior of High Entropy Alloys
J-93: Formation and Mechanical Properties of TaNbVTiW High Entropy Alloys Prepared by Powder Metallurgy
J-94: Formation Zone Prediction of the Al-Co-Fe-Ni-Ti t High Entropy Alloys by High-throughput Calculation (HTC) Technique
J-95: Generalized Planar Fault Energies and Twinning in NbMoTaW BCC High Entropy Alloy: A First-principles Study
J-97: High Temperature Creep Behavior of AlZrCrMoNbTi High Entropy Alloy Using the Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) System
J-98: Homogenous Structure Formation in FeCoNiCrMo High Entropy Alloy
J-99: Imaging Short Range Order in The CrCoNi Medium Entropy Alloy
Latest Developments in High Entropy Brasses & Bronzes
Machine-learning Driven Efficient Exploration of the High Entropy Alloy Phase Space
Machine Learning for Accelerating the Design of Additively-manufactured Turbine Blades Yielding Ultra-high Energy Efficiency
Materials Fingerprint Classification
Metastability Engineering of HIgh Entropy Alloys
Microstructural Characterizations and Mechanical Properties of CrFeNiMn and NbTaTiV High Entropy Alloys
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Multi-phase CrMnFeCoNiAl0.75 High Entropy Alloy at Intermediate Temperature
Monte Carlo Study on Atomic Arrangement Around Crystal Defect in Multi-principal Element Alloys
Multicomponent and High-entropy Cantor Alloys
Nanocrystalline High-entropy Alloys Made by Electrodeposition
Nanomolding Far and Close to Equilibrium
Non-equiatomic, Multi-phase TRIP/TWIP Multi-principal Element Alloys
On the Damage Tolerance of TRIP, TWIP and Dual-phase High-entropy Alloys
On the Exceptional Mechanical Properties and Effect of Local Order in CrCoN-based High-entropy Alloys
Origins of Excellent Passivation in Multiple Principle Element Alloys
Phase Stability in Refractory High Entropy Alloys
Phenomenological Approach to Multi-principal-element Structural Materials
Pitting Corrosion Behavior of Ni38Fe20Crx(MnCo)42-x High Entropy Alloys
Quantifying Short-range Ordering in Refractory High-entropy Alloys
Quantifying the Effect of Randomness on Vacancy Diffusivity in High Entropy Alloys
Roles of Martensitic Phase Fractions in Mechanical Behavior of TRIP-HEA
Simulation Studies of Grain Boundary Diffusion in a Model HEA Alloy
Simulations and Modeling of the High Temperature Yield Behavior of Chemically Complex Concentrated BCC Alloys
Small-scale Mechanical Behavior of Single Phase and Complex High Entropy Alloys
Speromagnetism and Asperomagnetism as the Ground States of the Tb-Dy-Ho-Er-Tm “Ideal” High-entropy Alloy
Stability of Al-Li-Ti-Sc-Mg High Entropy Alloys from Monte Carlo Simulations
Studies on Microstructure, Hardness and Corrosion Behavior of the Cu-Fe-Ti-Zr-Nix High Entropy Alloys
The Stacking Fault Energies of FCC High-entropy Alloys: An ab initio Study
Theory for Yield Strength of BCC HEAs
Theory of Formation of High Entropy Alloys for Biomedical Applications
Thermal Transport Calculation of High Entropy Alloys for Thermoelectric Applications
Unique Elastic and Plastic Deformation Behavior of a Ductile Refractory High-entropy Alloy at Room and Elevated Temperatures
Unravelling Sluggish Diffusion of High-entropy Alloys through Machine Learning Methods

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