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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances in Biomaterials for 3D Printing
Presentation Title Guided Cell Migration on a Graded Micropillar Substrate
Author(s) Srikumar Krishnamoorthy, Zhengyi Zhang, Changxue Xu
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Srikumar Krishnamoorthy
Abstract Scope Cell migration is facilitated by the interaction of cells with their local microenvironment including geometry, stiffness, and chemical gradients. Construction of an interface to achieve guided cell migration is of great significance for studying cell behaviors. In this presentation, a dynamic mask photolithography technique has been implemented to fabricate a graded micropillar substrate. Three different types of cells are seeded on the fabricated substrate after surface treatment. Successful guided cell migration has been demonstrated on the graded micropillar substrate. The effects of the micropillar gradient, diameter, and height on the migration speed and cellular morphology have been systematically investigated. Moreover, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and breast cancer cells have been utilized to compare different migration behaviors on the graded micropillar substrate.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


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Guided Cell Migration on a Graded Micropillar Substrate
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