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Meeting 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing and Innovative Powder Processing of Functional and Magnetic Materials
Presentation Title Mechanical Alloying and Characterization of Al2Ni5Co6Fe6Sm0.2 High-entropy Alloy
Author(s) Afsaneh Darvish Motevali, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Afsaneh Darvish Motevali
Abstract Scope Al2Ni5Co6Fe6Sm0.2 high-entropy alloy powders (HEAPs) were successfully manufactured via a mechanical alloying technique and the microstructure and magnetic properties were investigated. The predominant structure after 10 hours was the BCC phase with an intermetallic phase Fe3Al. After 20, 30 and 50 h of milling, supersaturated solid solution phases with an FCC predominant structure was formed in the Al2Ni5Co6Fe6Sm0.2 HEAP. In 50 h an intermetallic phase Fe3Al also formed in low angles. The 50 h ball milled Al2Ni5Co6Fe6Sm0.2 HEAP had high saturated magnetization (130 emu/g) and coercivity (103 Oe), indicating that the powder exhibited semi-hard magnetic properties. In addition, an asymmetrical displaced hysteresis loop was also observed in the Al2Ni5Co6Fe6Sm0.2 HEAP, and the shift ΔHs was about 212 Oe in 50h. With increasing milling time, the magnetic retentivity increases and the coercivity decreases from zero to 20 h then increases to 50 h. The magnetization decreases with increasing milling time.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords High-Entropy Alloys, Magnetic Materials, Powder Materials


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