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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Scandium Extraction and Use in Aluminum Alloys
Presentation Title The Role of New Aluminium-Scandium Alloys for Emission Reduction in Various Sectors
Author(s) Thomas Dorin, Timothy James Langan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Thomas Dorin
Abstract Scope The rapid growth of industrialization and transportation has led to increasing concerns over greenhouse gas emissions and their impact on climate change. As a result, industries are constantly seeking innovative solutions to reduce their carbon footprint. One promising avenue is the integration of new aluminium-scandium (Al-Sc) alloys, which offer unique properties and capabilities to address emissions reduction in various sectors. This paper delves into the role of Al-Sc alloys in four key areas: automotive, shipbuilding, additive manufacturing, and high-voltage (HV) conductors. In the automotive sector, Al-Sc alloys present an opportunity to streamline production and minimize emissions by consolidating the number of alloys used in vehicle construction. For instance, by replacing conventional 6xxx-series alloys with 5xxx-series+Sc for both inner and outer panels, it would reduce the number of alloys in a vehicle, making it more readily recyclable. In shipbuilding, the adoption of 5xxx-series+Sc alloys proves advantageous as it can enhance weld strength and mitigate sensitization issues. Consequently, vessels' service life could be extended while reducing overall weight, leading to notable emissions reductions. Furthermore, the potential of Al-Sc alloys in additive manufacturing (AM) is explored. Tailored alloy compositions developed for AM applications, with strategic scandium and zirconium content can enable in-situ precipitation during the AM process. This can eliminate the need for post-aging, making large-scale AM more feasible and cost-effective while promoting emission reductions. Lastly, we discuss the application of Al-Sc alloys in HV conductors. By incorporating scandium, these conductors can achieve increased strength without significant compromise to electrical conductivity, fostering a greener power transmission infrastructure. In conclusion, the utilization of new aluminium-scandium alloys presents a promising pathway to curbing emissions in multiple industries, signalling a transformative shift towards more sustainable practices.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals


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Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Flat Rolled Products of Aluminium Alloys Al-Mg-Sc Under Various Deformation Processing Modes
Sc-containing Al-Si-Mg (6xxx) Alloys for Automotive Extrusions
The Role of New Aluminium-Scandium Alloys for Emission Reduction in Various Sectors

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