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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advances in Understanding of Martensite in Steels II
Presentation Title In-situ Neutron Diffraction Analysis of Deformation-induced Transformation Behavior in High-strength and High-ductility Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steel Produced by Cold-rolling and Partitioning Method
Author(s) Yuta Matsumura, Goro Miyamoto, Yongie Zhang, Tadashi Furuhara, Yo Tomota
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Yuta Matsumura
Abstract Scope Cold-rolled and partitioned 17Cr-5Ni-0.08C -0.1N (mass %) metastable austenitic stainless steel consists of tempered martensite (α') and carbon- and nitrogen- enriched retained austenite (γR). This steel achieves excellent strength with high-ductility and TS x TEl reaches 35000MPa.% owing to large Lüders elongation and deformation-induced martensitic transformation. It was found that apparent Lüders elongation increases with decreasing work-hardening rate right after the completion of Lüders elongation. To clarify the detail of deformation, the stress partitioning between α' and γR and martensitic transformation behavior accompanying deformation were analyzed using in-situ neutron diffraction at J-PARC BL19 TAKUMI. Larger Lüders elongation increases by suppression of deformation-induced transformation, and thus increasing stability of γR. Deformation-induced transformation occurs after yielding of γR, that causes stress partitioning to the harder α'. Work-hardening of martensite phase dominates the apparent work-hardening and, thus lower work-hardening of martensite would be an important factor to improve Lüders elongation.


Achieving 1.4 GPa Tensile Strength with Good Ductility in a Novel Low-alloy Low-carbon Martensite Steel
Effect of Thermomechanical Strategy and Ni-Mo Alloying on High Strength Quenched and Tempered Thick Plates
Evolution of Dislocation Structure during Plastic Deformation in Lath Martensite of Low-Carbon Steel Observed by ECCI
Excess Solute Carbon and Retained Tetragonality in Autotempered and Tempered Fe-C Lath Martensite
Geometrical Aspect of Variant-pairing of Martensite in Steel
In-situ Neutron Diffraction Analysis of Deformation-induced Transformation Behavior in High-strength and High-ductility Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steel Produced by Cold-rolling and Partitioning Method
Influence of Strain Rate on Mechanical Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of Fe-0.10C-5Mn Medium Manganese Steel
Investigation on Gigapascal Martensitic Microstructures for Higher Bendability of Advanced High-strength Hot Stamped Steel
Low Temperature Martensitic Transformations in Fe-Ni Alloys: Insight from Iron Meteorite Analyses
Phase Field Study of Tempering in Maraging Steels
Substructure and Crystallographic Features of As-quenched Lath Martensitic Steels
Substructure Boundary Sliding in Lath Martensite Quantitatively Investigated by Using Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulation and Experiment

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