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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advances in Understanding of Martensite in Steels II
Presentation Title Achieving 1.4 GPa Tensile Strength with Good Ductility in a Novel Low-alloy Low-carbon Martensite Steel
Author(s) Pravendra Pratap Singh, Murugesh Kumar R., Suhrit Mula, Sadhan Ghosh
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Pravendra Pratap Singh
Abstract Scope Ultra-high strength steels are designed for lightweight, cost-effective parts with improved passive-safety. Hence, a low-alloy low-carbon (0.2wt.% C) martensitic-steel has been developed by combining hot-rolling+water-quenching and tempering. The maximum yield and ultimate tensile strength are 1110MPa and 1402MPa, respectively, with 14.2% ductility for the water-quenched (WQ) sample, comparable to existing commercially used AHSS steels. The microstructural analysis indicates that the matrix contains BCC-structure martensite-laths with high-dislocation density (⁓3.5×1015 m-2). The mean average grain-size of the WQ martensite-structure is found to be 2.43μm. The dislocation (646MPa) and grain-size strengthening (282MPa) are the main contributors to yield-strength. However, with an increase in tempering temperature, the tensile-strength decreases, whereas; the impact-toughness and ductility increase. The reasons are carbon-segregation from martensite-laths to martensite grain-boundaries, dislocation-annihilation and morphology change (coarsening) in martensite-laths during tempering. Furthermore, the orientation-relationship between prior-austenite grains and lath-martensite has been studied using Kurdjumov–Sachs (K-S) orientation-relationships and correlated with strength-ductility combination.


Achieving 1.4 GPa Tensile Strength with Good Ductility in a Novel Low-alloy Low-carbon Martensite Steel
Effect of Thermomechanical Strategy and Ni-Mo Alloying on High Strength Quenched and Tempered Thick Plates
Evolution of Dislocation Structure during Plastic Deformation in Lath Martensite of Low-Carbon Steel Observed by ECCI
Excess Solute Carbon and Retained Tetragonality in Autotempered and Tempered Fe-C Lath Martensite
Geometrical Aspect of Variant-pairing of Martensite in Steel
In-situ Neutron Diffraction Analysis of Deformation-induced Transformation Behavior in High-strength and High-ductility Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steel Produced by Cold-rolling and Partitioning Method
Influence of Strain Rate on Mechanical Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of Fe-0.10C-5Mn Medium Manganese Steel
Investigation on Gigapascal Martensitic Microstructures for Higher Bendability of Advanced High-strength Hot Stamped Steel
Low Temperature Martensitic Transformations in Fe-Ni Alloys: Insight from Iron Meteorite Analyses
Phase Field Study of Tempering in Maraging Steels
Substructure and Crystallographic Features of As-quenched Lath Martensitic Steels
Substructure Boundary Sliding in Lath Martensite Quantitatively Investigated by Using Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulation and Experiment

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