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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances and Discoveries in Non-equilibrium Driven Nanomaterials and Thin Films
Presentation Title Controlling Functional Properties in Oxide Nanocomposites via Strain, Defects and Interfaces
Author(s) Aiping Chen
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Aiping Chen
Abstract Scope Strain, Defects and Interface play critical role in controlling functional properties in complex oxide heterostructures. These parameters have been extensively studied in controlled synthesis to control physical properties. How to control these parameters in more complex two phase vertical heteroepitaxial nanocomposites and how to use these parameters to tailor functionalities in nanocomposites are much less explored. In this talk, I will first talk about the synthesis of a variety of nanocomposite thin films from a perspective of strain, defect and interface. Nanopillar feature size in these two phase nanocomposites has been found to be a critical parameter to control strain, defects and vertical interface density. In the second part of this talk, I will focus on how the to use these parameters to tune the functional properties such as magnetism, magnetotransport and magnetoelectric coupling.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


Controlling Functional Properties in Oxide Nanocomposites via Strain, Defects and Interfaces
Controlling Nanoscale Eutectic Microstructures in Directionally Laser Melted Al-Cu Alloyed Thin Films
Development of Reactive Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Hybrid Reverse Monte Carlo (HRMC) Modeling to Synthesize Amorphous Boron Carbide
Discoveries of Q-carbon and Q-BN and Direct Conversion of Carbon into Diamond and h-BN into c-BN
Dynamically Evolving Metastability in an Atomic Hourglass: Temporal Control of the Metal-insulator Transition of VO2 by a Mobile Dopant
Effect of Interfacial Strain on the Point-defect Energetics in LaNiOx
Emergence of Shallow Energy Levels in B-doped Q-carbon: A high- temperature Superconductor
Enhanced Field Emission of CNT-W Nanowire Hierarchical Emitters
Fabrication of Nanodiamond and Q-carbon by Ultrafast Quenching of Carbon Structures for Electron Field Emission Devices
Formation of Reduced Graphene Oxide/amorphous Carbon P-N Junctions via Highly Nonequilibrium Route of Nanosecond Laser Irradiation
Heat Capacity and Free Energy of Ni-Fe Nanocrystals
In-situ and Real Time Chemical Analysis of Complex Oxide Thin Film Surfaces using Pulsed Laser Deposition
Laser Processing in the Transmission Electron Microscope
Metastable Silicon Nanocomposites via Plasma Synthesis and Spark Plasma Sintering
Microstructure Morphology and Concentration Modulation of Bicontinuous Nanocomposite Thin-films during Physical Vapor Deposition
Morphological Evolution of Phase-separated Domains in Vapor-deposited Polycrystalline Alloy Films
N-1: In-situ Analysis of IR Laser Radiation Damage on Nano-structured MoS2
N-2: Scalable Synthesis of Graphene Quantum Dots and Its Application in Bioimaging
N-3: Synthesis of Mesoporous Metal-Silicates via Silicate-Exfoliation on Metal Hydroxides
Quasi-one-dimensional Mo Chains for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Recent Advances in Thin Film Thermoelectrics: SnSe and Beyond
Stabilization of High-temperature Polymorphs of SrSnO3 at Room Temperature via Epitaxy
Surface Chemistry Evolution in Ti-BNNT System Processed by SPS and its Correlation to Physico-chemical and Mechanical Properties
Synthesis and Densification of Functional Metal-oxide Nano Bulk Composite with Far from Equilibrium State
Tunable 2D Materials from Synthesis to Applications
Understanding the Effects of Lattice Strain on MoS2 through Irradiation

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