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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium The American Ceramic Society Journal Awards Symposium
Presentation Title Vibrational Spectroscopy Analysis of Silica and Silicate Glass Networks
Author(s) Hongshen Liu, Huseyin Kaya, Yen-Ting Lin, Andrew L. Ogrinc, Seong H. Kim
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Andrew L. Ogrinc
Abstract Scope Many papers use vibrational spectroscopy to deconvolute the structure of the glass network, reporting subtle but consistent changes in infrared and Raman spectral features upon variation in composition, thermal history, mechanical stress, or surface treatment. However, interpretation of these spectral features is obfuscated due to a lack of well-established physical principles which accurately describe the vibrational modes of the non-crystalline glass network. In the past, a common practice to interpret the vibrational spectrum was to use an analogy to isolated molecular moieties or crystalline counterparts; but this talk will show why such approaches are inadequate and derive more meaningful empirical correlations that connect vibrational spectroscopic features of silica and sodium silicate glasses to their network bond parameters. Selected examples are discussed to explicate the implication of these findings to the structure-property relationships of these materials. Unanswered questions and continuing research challenges are identified.


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Vibrational Spectroscopy Analysis of Silica and Silicate Glass Networks

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