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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production
Presentation Title Anode to Cathode Electrical Current Modelling for Cell Retrofit Application of Conductive Nails Technology
Author(s) William Berends
On-Site Speaker (Planned) William Berends
Abstract Scope The electrical current density and distribution pattern between the anode and cathode is of fundamental influence on pot noise and current efficiency, also on cathode wear and pot-life, and potentially for low voltage anode effect. The reduction of harmful peak current densities can be achieved by controlling the ‘Electrical Contact Resistance’ (ECR) of the iron to carbon connections in the anode and cathode assemblies through selective use of conductive nails and altering the iron connection contact area. ANSYS and Maxwell optimization software are used to alter the ECR’s to improve the uniformity of current density on the anode and cathode active surfaces, and to reduce horizontal current vectors and magnetic force magnitude in the metal layer. Voltage drops are modelled to predict potential energy savings. Scenarios of increased amperage with reduced ‘Anode to Cathode Distance’ (ACD) are modelled to predict increased aluminium production while maintaining thermal balance and acceptable magnetic force distribution.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals


AMELIOS Suite or the Fives Digital Package for Carbon 4.0
Anode to Cathode Electrical Current Modelling for Cell Retrofit Application of Conductive Nails Technology
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Introductory Comments: Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production
Managing Anode Performance with a Versatile Reactivity Analysis Method
Start-up of a New “Smart & Green” Anode Plant
The Readiness and Compatibility of a Modern Anode Handling and Cleaning System for Industry 4.0 Technologies
The Steps to Optimize and Implement an Anode Stub Hole Cleaning Machine Modification

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