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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production
Presentation Title Start-up of a New “Smart & Green” Anode Plant
Author(s) Christophe Bouche, Xavier Genin, Vincent Philippaux, Jérôme Morfoise
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Christophe Bouche
Abstract Scope In the early 2000s, the first industrial scale Rhodax® process Green Anode Plant (GAP) was started. More than 15 years later, the latest version of this technology was successfully commissioned to produce anodes at a higher production rate and for a higher amperage pot. The cumulated experience in the meantime, contributed to an evolution of the technologies, allowing us to meet today’s challenges: more stringent environmental requirements limiting emissions, reduced operator noise exposure, higher GAP operation efficiency and stable anode quality. It was also an opportunity to implement the use of digital technologies to enhance the Rhodax® and the preheating screw performance, monitor and maintain operation performance with advanced process control solutions. This paper summarizes the key lessons learnt from the latest reference and the performance achieved. It alsopresents the innovations implemented that open the door to new remote services for equipment performance and process stability enhancements.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals


AMELIOS Suite or the Fives Digital Package for Carbon 4.0
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Biocarbon in the Aluminium Industry: A Review
Development and Applications of the Four Points Probe (4PP) Electrical Resistivity Measurements for Anode Process Optimization
Digitalization in the Carbon Area as a Means to Improve Productivity
Introductory Comments: Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production
Managing Anode Performance with a Versatile Reactivity Analysis Method
Start-up of a New “Smart & Green” Anode Plant
The Readiness and Compatibility of a Modern Anode Handling and Cleaning System for Industry 4.0 Technologies
The Steps to Optimize and Implement an Anode Stub Hole Cleaning Machine Modification

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