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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Materials Processing Fundamentals
Presentation Title A Mesoscale Thermo-mechanical Numerical Model for Residual Stress Prediction in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process
Author(s) Shashank Sharma, Mangesh V Pantawane, Sameehan S Joshi, Narendra B Dahotre
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Shashank Sharma
Abstract Scope Residual stress in laser powder bed fusion is one of the pivotal challenges in terms of its application in the energy industry. Impediments in residual stress measurements have created a bottleneck in cost-effective process design, paving way for numerical model-based predictions. In this work, a robust thermal model calibrated (in terms of melt pool geometry) using experiments and high fidelity thermo-fluidic model is constructed, which is coupled with an elastic-plastic (linear isotropic hardening) mechanical model to obtain thermally induced residual stress distribution at mesoscale. The developed model also considers the effect of solid-state phase transformation on residual stresses. To demonstrate model capabilities, the role of essential L-pbf design elements (for material: Ti6AlV4) such as energy density, scan length, and scanning strategy has been evaluated in terms of residual stress and material deformation.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Phase Transformations, Modeling and Simulation


A High-fidelity Numerical Model Informed Machine Learning Framework for Melt Pool Prediction in Laser Additive Manufacturing
A Mesoscale Thermo-mechanical Numerical Model for Residual Stress Prediction in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process
A Study on Behavior of Post Combustion in 2-Ton Converter Simulator
Activation Energy of Simulated Surface Diffusion in Nanoporous Gold.
Automatic Process Mapping for Ti64 Single Tracks in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
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Comparative Statistical Analysis of Gold Processing Plant Recovery Data
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Heat Transfer Characteristic between Ingot and Mold during an Ingot Casting Process
How to Prevent Porosity Defects in Steel Casting Component
Investigation of the Keyhole and Molten Pool Stability in Laser Welding Process Depending on Intensity Distribution of Dual Beam
Machine Learning and Monte Carlo Simulations of the Gibbs Free Energy of the Fe-C System in a Magnetic Field
Machining Fluid Filtration and Particle Count Measurement
Mathematical Simulation Study on the Effect of Nozzle Side Hole Structure Parameters on the Behavior of Molten Steel in Stainless Steel Mold
Measuring and Processing of Electrical Parameters in a Submerged Arc Furnace
Modeling of Macro-scale Reaction Effects in a Secondary Lead Reverberatory Furnace
N-17: Analysis of the Thermal Distribution in a Conventional Slab Reheating Furnace Through Mathematical Simulation
N-18: Numerical Simulation of Thermal Stratification and Fluid Dynamic Behavior of Liquid Steel in an Electric Arc Furnace
N-35: Agglomeration Behavior of Fine Particles Using the Acoustic Wave
Post Processing Approach to Model Microsilica Formation
Reductant Formation Enthalpy in DC Ferrochrome Smelting: Merely Academic or Fundamental to Operation
Scaling Up of Contactless Ultrasonic Cavitation
Simulation of Fe Diffusion in Thermal Decomposition of γ’-Fe4N using Molecular Dynamics
Toward Meso-scale Modelling of Slag Foaming Phenomena in Pyrometallurgy
Virtual Reality for Die Casting Industry Workforce Preparation

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