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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Solar Cell Silicon
Presentation Title Zr Addition for Enhanced B Removal from Si by Si-Cu Solvent Refining
Author(s) Yongsheng Ren, Kazuki Morita
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Yongsheng Ren
Abstract Scope A novel attempt was made to remove B from Si by adding Zr as the trapping agent in solidification refining using a Si-Cu solvent. The premise of the study was based on the following: (i) low solid solubility of Cu in Si; (ii) significant density difference between Si and liquid Si-Cu; (iii) lower liquidus temperature of the Si-Cu system; (iv) high affinity of Zr to B for enhanced formation of boride. First, the solubility product of ZrB2 in the Si-Cu melt was measured as 4.11 × 10−12 (1345 K, Si-50 at.% Cu) and 2.55 × 10−12 (1258 K, Si-57 at.% Cu). ZrB2 precipitation was found at the bottom of the sample. Additionally, solidification refining experiments were carried out under different variables. The maximum removal fraction of B was 93.4%; further, the added Zr was almost completely eliminated and did not contaminate the refined primary Si.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


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Zr Addition for Enhanced B Removal from Si by Si-Cu Solvent Refining

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