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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Innovative Process Design and Processing for Advanced Structural Materials
Presentation Title K-16: Solid-state Bulk Joining of Dissimilar Metal Alloys by Electrically Assisted Pressure Joining
Author(s) Shengwei Zhang, Thanh Thuong Do, Bui Thi Tu Anh, Sung-Tae Hong, Howook Choi, Heung Nam Han
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Sung-Tae Hong
Abstract Scope Bulk solid-state joints of various combinations of dissimilar metal alloys are successfully fabricated by electrically assisted pressure joining (EAPJ) technique. The quality of joints was evaluated by microstructural analysis and mechanical testing. The microstructural analysis results confirm that solid-state joints without macro and micro-defects are fabricated through elemental diffusion and recrystallization during EAPJ. The results of quasi-static tensile tests show that base metal fracture rather than interface fracture can be achieved by adjusting input parameters. Moreover, for the material combination of SUS316L and SUS410, the fatigue behavior of the joints is evaluated by a P-S-N curve using two-parameter Weibull distribution. Finally, the results of experiments with combinations of non-ferrous metal alloys confirm that the concept of EAPJ is also applicable to non-ferrous metal alloys, including copper or aluminum alloys. The present study demonstrates that EAPJ is an efficient method in the bulk joining of dissimilar metal alloys combinations.


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Effects of Electric Current on the Plastic Deformation Behavior of Pure Copper, Iron, and Titanium
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Enhancement of Mechanical Properties in Nanoporous Gold
Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials by Multilayered Structure
K--8: Effect of Heat Treatment in 9% Ni Steels on Cryogenic Impact Toughness
K-12: Improvement of Structural Stability and Characterization of Nanoscale Defects in Amorphous Alumina Thin Film
K-13: Integrated Welding and Thermal Processing for Ferritic/Martensitic Steels
K-14: MatILDaź - Application of a User-oriented Material Database
K-15: Porous Silicon Carbide (SiC) for Composite Core Sandwich Structures
K-16: Solid-state Bulk Joining of Dissimilar Metal Alloys by Electrically Assisted Pressure Joining
K-17: Study on the Behavior of Fine Particles by the Vibration of the Medium with Polluted Air Inside the Rigid Housing
K-18: The Friction and Product Quality in Dry Metal Forming with Volatile Media
K-2: Automated Process Design for Heat Shrink Casing of Welded Parts of Buried District Heating Pipe
K-4: Development of a Gradient Structural Material Using Electrically Assisted Pressure Joining of Fe-Mn-Al-C Lightweight Steels
K-5: Development of a Self-heated Composite Tool for Out of Autoclave and Out of Oven Cure of Thin Ply Composite Structures
K-6: Development of Highly Stretchable and Impermeable Encapsulation by Applying Wavy-structure to Thermally Grown Silicon Dioxide
K-7: Discontinuous Yielding Behavior Due to Twinning Accompanied by Abnormal Grain Growth in Fine-grained Copper
K-9: Enhanced Flaw-tolerance of Nanoporous Gold with Grain Boundary Plasticity
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Mechanical Properties and Reliability of Nanolayered Stretchable Interconnect with Nanocrystalline Copper and Ternary Metallic Glass
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Microstructure-based Fatigue Life Modeling Methodology for Ferritic-pearlitic Hypo-eutectoid Steels
Modern Supercomputing for Accelerating the Design of High-temperature Aluminum Alloys
Monte Carlo Simulations for Microstructure Evolution via Diffusion
Novel Solid-State Metal Powder Fabrication Process for Feedstock of Metal Matrix Composites Additive Manufacturing
On the Micromechanical Response of a Mild Steel during Abrupt Strain Path Changes (SPCs)
Recent Nanoindentation Studies on Innovative Process Design for Advanced Structural Materials
Residual Stress in Steel H-beam Produced by Hot-rolling and QST Investigated by Instrumented Indentation Testing
Structural Evolution during Nanostructuring and Heating of an Additive-manufactured Stainless Steel Examined by X-ray and In-situ Neutron Diffraction Analyses
Uniaxial Tensile Behavior After Baking Treatment in a Low Carbon Steel Accompanying Inhomogeneous Plastic Yielding
Virtual Thermo-mechanical Process Design of Metallic Materials by Integrating Crystal Plasticity and Phase Field Model

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