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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Sustainability in the Aluminum Supply Chain: Joint Session
Presentation Title Hydro’s Approach to Sustainability
Author(s) Hans Erik Vatne
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Hans Erik Vatne
Abstract Scope Sustainability has become a necessary part of the license to operate for any industry. The aluminium industry is no exception and our industry’s CO2 emissions might be some of the most difficult and expensive to abate. In this presentation, Hydro’s approach to sustainability is outlined, starting with the company’s short and long-term targets throughout the value chain followed by our strategy to fulfil these targets. Upstream within bauxite and alumina production, the biggest challenges are deposits of bauxite residue and CO2 emissions while in the smelter area it is CO2 emissions and other off-gases and various wastes like spent potlining. The casthouses have a challenge with emissions from the melting furnaces (CO2 and other gases) but are also a sustainability opportunity through increased recycling of post-consumer scrap which contributes to reduced overall carbon footprint but also more challenging exhaust gases. Downstream is very much about increased use of low-carbon aluminium and substituting less sustainable materials and high-carbon aluminium. Examples of such products are Hydro’s Reduxa and Circal.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals


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Hydro’s Approach to Sustainability
Introductory Comments: Sustainability in the Aluminum Supply Chain: Joint Session
Introductory Comments: Sustainability in the Aluminum Supply Chain: Joint Session
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