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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Sustainability in the Aluminum Supply Chain: Joint Session
Presentation Title Review of Sustainability in the Carbon Supply Chain
Author(s) Les C. Edwards
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Les C. Edwards
Abstract Scope Carbon in the form of calcined petroleum coke (CPC) and coal tar pitch (CTP) remains an essential raw material for the production of aluminum. CPC and CTP are produced from byproducts of other industries, which represents a more sustainable, higher value alternative than combusting as fuel. Significant differences exist in the technologies used to produce these raw materials. Modern calcining plants, for example, include advanced waste heat recovery and pollution control systems that substantially reduce their impact on the environment. Results from detailed carbon footprint analyses are presented, including the contribution of CPC and CTP to anode and smelter CO2 footprints. Anodes represent the primary source of smelter process emissions, which has driven the industry to seek alternatives in the form of inert anodes and bio-carbon replacements for CPC and CTP. Whilst renewed efforts are underway in these areas, the challenges remain significant, and carbon anodes will continue to be used by the industry for the foreseeable future.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Aluminum,


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Introductory Comments: Sustainability in the Aluminum Supply Chain: Joint Session
Introductory Comments: Sustainability in the Aluminum Supply Chain: Joint Session
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Review of Sustainability in the Carbon Supply Chain
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