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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advances in Zinc-coated Sheet Steel Processing and Properties
Presentation Title Leaching Zinc Ions from Industrial Waste Ashes a Kinetic Study and Development of a Semi-empirical Model.
Author(s) Hilary LImo Rutto, Tumisang Seodigeng
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Hilary LImo Rutto
Abstract Scope The investigation aimed to determine how the zinc will be extracted from secondary sources generated from the galvanising process using dilute sulphuric acid under controlled laboratory conditions of temperature, solid, liquid ratio, and agitation rate. The leaching experiment was conducted for 2 hours. The total zinc extracted was calculated with the amount of zinc dissolved at a unit time compared to the initial zinc content of the zinc ash. Sulphuric acid was an effective leaching agent with overall extraction of 91.1% when concentration is at 2M, and solid/liquid ratio kept at 1g/200mL leaching solution and temperature set at 65oC while slurry agitation is at 450rpm. The leaching mechanism of zinc ash with sulphuric acid conformed well to the shrinking core model. A semi-empirical model was developed to determine the zinc ions leached from industrial zinc ash waste.


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An Exploration of a Neural Network Approach for the On-line Prediction of Steel Strip Radiative Properties
Leaching Zinc Ions from Industrial Waste Ashes a Kinetic Study and Development of a Semi-empirical Model.
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The Interaction between Mn and Sn and Its Effects on the Selective Oxidation of Advanced High Strength Steels
Zinc Coatings and Their Control Using the New Integrated Indicator ECP-Zn

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