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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advances in Zinc-coated Sheet Steel Processing and Properties
Presentation Title The Interaction between Mn and Sn and Its Effects on the Selective Oxidation of Advanced High Strength Steels
Author(s) Jonas Wagner, Joseph R McDermid
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jonas Wagner
Abstract Scope Sn microalloying has been found to improve the continuous galvanizing performance of Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) with Mn contents between 2 and 6 wt. % by reducing selective oxidation prior to dipping. However, its benefits for steels with higher Mn levels remain uncertain. In this study, the effects of increasing Mn content on the Sn segregation and in turn the effect of the segregated Sn on the selective oxidation of Fe-Mn-Sn model alloys are evaluated. Sn is found to decrease internal and external oxidation, while the surface segregation of Sn is not adversely affected by higher Mn levels. Sn is present at the surface directly after ramping and does not systematically change for holding temperatures between 675 and 825 °C and holding times between 60 and 480 s, indicating Sn microalloying to be a robust strategy for improving galvanizing performance of a wider range of AHSS.


Alleviation of Zn-assisted Liquid Metal Embrittlement in Austenitic-TWIP/martensitic-HSLA Steel Multi-layered Sheet Additively Manufactured by Directed Energy Deposition
An Exploration of a Neural Network Approach for the On-line Prediction of Steel Strip Radiative Properties
Leaching Zinc Ions from Industrial Waste Ashes a Kinetic Study and Development of a Semi-empirical Model.
Microstructure Evolution during Early Stages of Liquid Metal Embrittlement in an Advanced High-strength-steel
The Interaction between Mn and Sn and Its Effects on the Selective Oxidation of Advanced High Strength Steels
Zinc Coatings and Their Control Using the New Integrated Indicator ECP-Zn

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