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Meeting MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Solid-state Optical Materials and Luminescence Properties
Presentation Title Optical Basicity of Oxynitrides
Author(s) Doris Möncke, Sharafat Ali, Bo Jonson, Efstratios I. Kamitsos
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Doris Möncke
Abstract Scope We apply the concept of optical basicity to oxynitride systems by comparison of nitride systems, either crystalline or glassy, with respective oxides. The optical basicity, Λ, was calculated from the chemical composition or by explotimg the relationship between Λ and anion polarizability. Experimental refractive index and density data of alkaline earth and rare earth silicate oxynitride glasses, as well as literature data of similar systems let us propose a method to separate nitride polarizabilities (αN) from oxide polarizabilities (αO) in mixed M-Si-O-N systems with varying N:O and M:Si ratios.We find good agreement with Duffy’s previous work on oxyfluoride glasses as the optical basicity varies for the isoelectronic anions N3-:O2-:F- as follows: Λ(fluoride)=1⁄2Λ(oxide)=1⁄3Λ(nitride). The optical basicity of complex nitrides can therefore be calculated by the same method established for oxides using the equivalent fractions and basicity of the constituent nitrides.


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Micro- and Submicro-defects in Magneto-optical Crystal CeF3
Non Rule-of-mixtures Thermal Expansion in Core-shell Based Nanocrystalline Composite Ceramics
Optical Basicity of Oxynitrides
Processing of Rare Earth Doped Ga2O3 Transparent Ceramics
Seearching Nitride Luminescent Materials for Applications in High Luminance Lighting and Sensing
Versatile Non-cubic Transparent Ceramics Applicable to Broad Wavelength Region

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