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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Multi-material Additive Manufacturing: Processing and Heterogeneous Materials Design
Presentation Title Material Layering with Binder Jet 3D Printing to Improve Magnetocaloric Functionality
Author(s) Erica L.S. Erickson, Katerina Kimes, Jeffrey Martin, Emma Dickinson, Markus Chmielus
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Erica L.S. Erickson
Abstract Scope Binder jet 3D printing (BJ-3DP) creates parts through layering of powder in a build bed and selective deposition of an organic binder. BJ-3DP creates parts that are stress-free and maintain the properties and microstructure of the powder until the post-processing sintering phase, which can be used to tailor porosity and microstructure. BJ-3DP is useful especially for functional magnetic materials that are extremely sensitive to composition changes of even an atomic percent and can have increased responses when layered strategically. However, there are a few areas of functionality missing in the current BJ-3DP commercial systems: small print beds for researching small batches of powder, ability to print multiple materials within the same run, and capacity to print within a magnetic field. This work describes a self-designed and -built small-scale BJ-3DP device that addresses these concerns and was used to produce samples with layered compositions of magnetocaloric alloys which were then characterized.


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Material Layering with Binder Jet 3D Printing to Improve Magnetocaloric Functionality
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