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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Sustainability in the Aluminum Supply Chain: Joint Session
Presentation Title Long Term Sustainability of the Aluminium Sector
Author(s) Pernelle Nunez, Pernelle Nunez
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Pernelle Nunez
Abstract Scope Due to its unique combination of properties, demand for aluminium products continues to increase. Global demand for aluminium is projected to grow from 99 million tonnes in 2019 to 172 million tonnes in 2050. This is to meet society’s needs across several sectors including transportation, the built environment, energy infrastructure and packaging. While some of this demand will be met by recycled material, significant volumes of primary aluminium will still be required. Alongside this growing demand for metal, expectations for sustainably produced and responsibly sourced material are also growing. The aluminium industry must continue to adapt and address the key sustainability challenges it faces. This paper draws on the International Aluminium Institute's material flow analyses, life cycle analyses, waste management experience and decades of industry statistics. It will provide an overview of future demand scenarios and the challenges associated with fulfilling growing demand including: raw materials supply, sustainable bauxite residue and spent pot lining management and potential greenhouse gas pathways for the sector.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals


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Introductory Comments: Sustainability in the Aluminum Supply Chain: Joint Session
Introductory Comments: Sustainability in the Aluminum Supply Chain: Joint Session
Show details for [<a href="/PM/PM.nsf/ApprovedAbstracts/44A70F16E38D0FFE85258692005DE4CF?OpenDocument">Long Term SustainabilityLong Term Sustainability of the Aluminium Sector
Long Term Sustainability of the Aluminium Sector
Near Zero-waste and Near Break-even: A Path towards Sustainable Bauxite Processing
Review of Sustainability in the Carbon Supply Chain
The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI): Implementation and Impact

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