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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Composite Materials for Nuclear Applications
Presentation Title Fabrication, Characterisation and Oxidation Resistance of an Innovative Composite Fuel: UN Microspheres Embedded in UO2 Matrix
Author(s) Diogo Ribeiro Costa, Marcus Hedberg, Simon Middleburgh, Janne Wallenius, Pär Olsson, Denise Adorno Lopes
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Diogo Ribeiro Costa
Abstract Scope UN-UO2 composite fuels are being considered as an accident tolerant fuel option for LWR. Mixtures of UN microspheres (10-50wt%) and UO2.13 powder were sintered by spark plasma sintering and characterised by XRD, DSC, and SEM-EDS/WDS/EBSD. The UN and UO2 interaction is driven by O diffusion into the UN phase and N diffusion in the opposite direction, forming a long-range solid solution (UO2-xNx) in the UO2 matrix. On cooling, the N solubility in UO2-xNx decreases and causes N redistribution and precipitation as α-U2N3 phase along and inside the UO2 grains. Additionally, TG/DSC investigations in air (30-700°C) show that the UO2 increases the oxidation onset temperature (OOT) from 260(3)°C (pure UN pellet) to 320(4)°C (10wt% UN-UO2 composite fuel). Composites with 30wt% and 50wt% UN present similar OOT (~285°C), which is similar to pure UO2 pellet (~300°C). Furthermore, the weight variations and the maximum reaction temperatures are reported and discussed.
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