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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing for Energy Applications II
Presentation Title Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Electron Beam Melting Additively Manufactured Tungsten for Fusion Energy Applications
Author(s) John R. Echols, Lauren Garrison, Elizabeth Ellis, Yutai Katoh, Michael Kirck, Ryan Dehoff, Timothy Horn, Christopher Rock, Christopher Ledford, Sillivan Figurskey
On-Site Speaker (Planned) John R. Echols
Abstract Scope The plasma-facing components (PFCs) of fusion reactors will be composed of vast numbers of small pieces that require varied shaping, internal channels, and dissimilar material joints. Among other specifications, PFCs must have high thermal conductivity and melting temperatures. Tungsten has attractive materials properties for this application, but due to its high melting point and brittleness at room temperature, it is difficult to fabricate by traditional means into the necessary small parts and complex geometries. Electron beam melting (EBM) provides a useful avenue to part manufacture. However, a working understanding of the change to fusion-relevant mechanical properties and their relationship with microstructure with respect to current technologies and techniques with EBM must be established. This study investigates fusion-relevant mechanical properties of bulk EBM prints including tensile, thermal conductivity, hardness, roughness, and density. The results are evaluated against microstructure and compared to properties of traditionally manufactured tungsten.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


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Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Electron Beam Melting Additively Manufactured Tungsten for Fusion Energy Applications
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Study Of Transition In Mechanical Properties Of A356/316L Additively Manufactured Interpenetrating Phase Composites
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Texture Management in EBM Tungsten Plasma-facing Components for Fusion Reactors
The Intensification and Scale-up of Electric Field Assisted Sintering Techniques (FAST) for the Net-shape Production of Complex Materials and Components
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