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Meeting MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Integration between Modeling and Experiments for Crystalline Metals: From Atomistic to Macroscopic Scales III
Presentation Title Combining DICTRA Simulations with In-situ TEM Experiments to Optimize Metallic Powder Heat Treatments
Author(s) Kyle L. Tsaknopoulos, Matthew Gleason, Grace Fitzpatrick-Schmidt, Danielle Cote
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Kyle L. Tsaknopoulos
Abstract Scope In solid-state additive manufacturing, controlling the microstructure of metallic feedstock material is crucial, as it directly influences the properties of the final parts. Thermal processing is often used as a means of microstructural manipulation, tailoring the size, morphology, and distribution of secondary phases for desired material performance. In this study, heat treatments of Al 6061 powder are explored, with particular focus on associated phase transformations and diffusion kinetics, for end use in cold spray (CS) applications. In-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) heating experiments are leveraged to closely monitor the powder’s microstructural evolution as a function of treatment time and temperature. The time-morphology data of secondary phases procured from this experimentation can assist with the calibration and validation of DICTRA models. These models will allow for the optimization of heat treatment parameters, prediction of powder microstructures, and understanding of powder heat treatment effects on CS deposition and deposit properties.


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A Physics-based Crystal Plasticity Constitutive Model Incorporating the Dynamic Strain Aging: Application to 347H Steel
An Integrated Numerical Approach to Investigate the Effect of Grain-scale Heterogeneities on the Anisotropy of Polycrystalline Metals
An Investigation of the Effect of Grain Boundary Parameters on the Slip System Level Hall-petch Coefficient for Basal and Prismatic Slip Systems in Mg-4Al
Automated Laue Pattern Analysis for Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging
Co-development of Experiment and Simulation to Observe Dynamic Behavior in Metals in Complex Loading Environments
Combining DICTRA Simulations with In-situ TEM Experiments to Optimize Metallic Powder Heat Treatments
Confined Layer Slip in Nanolaminates: Effect of Interface Structure and Layer Thickness
Deformation of Lamellar FCC-B2 Nanostructures Containing Kurdjumov-Sachs Interfaces: Relation between Interfacial Structure and Plasticity
Design of an Austenitic Steel Weldment System Using ICME
Developing Surrogate Models for Crystal Plasticity-based Creep by Leveraging Macroscale Constitutive Relations
Effect of Twin-twin Junctions on Slip-twin Interactions and Twin-twin Intersections
Extension Twin Induced Strain Hardening and Texture Evolution in AM30 Alloy: Experiments and Crystal Plasticity Modelling
First-principles Study of the Effect of Al and Hf Impurities on Co3W Antiphase Boundary Energies
Fluctuations in the Generalized Planar Fault Energy Landscape in Concentrated FCC Solid Solutions
Formation of {112 ̅2} Contraction Twins in Titanium through Reversible Martensitic Phase Transformation
Full-field Modeling of Vacancy Diffusion in a Crystal Plasticity Framework
In-situ Scattering Experiments Facilitating Development and Validation of Constitutive and Process Models
Interactions between Dislocations and 3D Interfaces in a Cu/Nb System
Investigating the Mechanical Properties of Grain Boundaries with Displacement Texture Analysis
Lab-based Diffraction Contrast Tomography: Achieving Large Volume Grain Statistics for Full Field Modeling of Polycrystalline Materials
Modeling Slip Transmission across Interface Using Dislocation Dynamics Simulations
Modeling the Composition of Primary Carbides in the System Ni-11.5Cr-5Co-3.6Al-4.5Ti-7W-0.8Mo-0.06C
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Now On-Demand Only: Rapid Screening of High-throughput Ground State Predictions
P1-22: Life Prediction of High Temperature Alloys Subject to Coupled Thermomechanical Fatigue-creep Condition
Phase-field Simulations of Translation of Grains in Strain-energy-driven Grain Growth
Physics-based Full-Field Fast Fourier Transform Modeling of Creep Behavior: Application to 347H Steel
Simulation of Creep and Uniaxial Strain in 316H Steel via a Fully Mechanistic Fast Fourier Transform Based Crystal Plasticity Constitutive Model
The Interactions between Basal-precipitates and Propagating Twin Tips in AZ91
Thermodynamic Modeling of the Ga-Ni System Using the Third Generation Gibbs Free Energy Function for Pure Elements
Transformation-induced Plasticity in Omega Titanium
Two-scale Simulation of Plastic eformation in BCC Metals: Combination of Atomistic Simulation and Dislocation Dynamics
Weldment Finite Element Modeling and Validation for Integration with CALPHAD Tools
Yield Point Phenomena in Single Crystal BCC and FCC Metals

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